Chapter 12: The Rise of Mewtwo (Arc 2)

Start from the beginning

???: Mew? Mew.


We see Y/n appear within a hallway as he look around to see no one around him. Either way he ready his light saber just in case as he journey deep into New Islands.

He was walking through the hallways as he stumbled apon a door which he opens and peek his head inside. He then walked inside and find himself what looks like an armory as he looked around and soon finds a helmet sitting on a bench chair.

He walk over to it and pick it up to reveal a sith Imperial helmet which confirmed that the Sith Empire is involved.

Y/n: (thought) Looks like the Sith is involved but what is their goals here?

Suddenly he heard the door open so he place the helmet back and hide within a locker as he watched as two Imperial Sith troopers appear as the two talked about something.

Sith Imperial trooper 1: What do you think about that guy?

Sith Imperial trooper 2: Well he's one powerful pokemon if you ask me. Man, he doesn't even look like a pokemon, more like a pokemon from space.

Sith Imperial trooper 1: Yeah but let's be careful of what we are saying, he might hear us.

Sith Imperial trooper 2: You think he can do that?

Sith Imperial trooper 1: He's a strong pokemon, of course he can. Let's just get ready and get the hell out of here.

Sith Imperial trooper 2: Right.

They put on their locker and luckily Y/n hiding spot was not the next locker beside him as they put on their armor and then their helmets as they leave the room. Once out Y/n leave the locker and heard everything about this mysterious pokemon, he wishes you investigate it even more so he leaves the room.

He leave the room and looks around and sees two Sith Imperial troopers walking away. He leave the room but bumped into Team Rocket as they look at Y/n and then called out.

Jessie, James and Meowth: It's you!

Y/n: No wait!

It was too late as the two Sith Imperial troopers turn and saw them and then rushed over to them whike aiming their blasters at them.

Sith Imperial trooper 1: Hey freeze!

Y/n turn around and then grab them with then force as they were sent floating up in the air and then they slammed into each other, knocking them out as he drops them both onto the ground.

Y/n: That was close.

James: Who are they?

Y/n: Sith Imperial troopers. Basically like Team Rocket but far more worse. Look this ain't the good time right now since we are in deep trouble right now.

Jessie: Yeah once we have your pokemon!

James: Yes let's bas-

Then they froze all of a sudden as Y/n hopds them by the force as he tells them in a calm tone.

Y/n: Listen we must work together in order for us to survive. This place is not a good time and we have a common enemy since they will also shoot you three down as well. We maybe enemies but for now we are allies until we finish this mission, clear?

The trio looked at each other and seeing how the Sith Imperial troopers were about to kill them, they have no choice but to accept. He let's them and tells them.

Y/n: Okay follow me and be quiet.

They agree as they make their way through the hallway and being careful as they go. They found some doors that lead to different hallways or rooms but they ignore them and go deeper until Y/n sense something strong in one door.

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