why are you staring?

415 7 29

-3 days later-

Scaramouche finally was awoken by nurses detaching the tubes and machines from his arms.

"Please, sir. Take these pills for the next week and come visit a week after if possible."

The last words he heard from the hospital before he hurriedly left.

It was raining and warm, the rain was almost hot, so it was pleasant.

The humid air slightly blew into his face, causing him to shiver.

He walked through the rain, thinking.

When he kinda left Signora for another friend hurt.

Sure, he was still at home hanging out with her but not as much.

His phone was dead, and Ajax paid his hospital bills a day before.

He forgot to come in and say Hi, despite wanting to.


Scaramouche continued strolling, as he began to zone out.

His body ached in pain, that he ignored.

His mind was pacing through thoughts.

He was already in a state of panic.

He saw the same bridge he jumped off of, the same bridge him and Childe hid under.

He began breathing shakily and suddenly started laughing.

Laughing at freaking out over such a dumb thing.

He loved being alone, he always did.

He smiled when he remembered how he used to play games with himself as a child.

The rain soaked his clothes fully, his hair was wet and he was a far distance away from his last destination.

When he finally reached the coffee shop where Ajax used to work.

He walked down the street as he pulled out his phone, which was probably damaged from all the water.


Scar: can I come to your house? im soaked and it's closer to where I am

Ajax: please don't tell me you walked all the way here

Scar: I did

Ajax: it's a 20 minute walk and it's pouring outside

Scar: but can I?

Ajax: please do, don't get sick

Scar: alr loser


He walked down the streets, every car driving by was blinding.

The humid hot air and warmth were quite unpleasant now, unlike when he first left the colder place.

He soon approached the house.

Not knowing who was awake, or asleep, or who not disturb he texted Childe yet again.

As Childe noticed the text, he replied back.

My Siblings are home, but they're playing just dance in the living room lol so just walk in

He opened the heavy, polished door.

His siblings were clearly unbothered.

Maybe because Dottore was always coming in.

you were in my dream • chiscara [modern]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя