Childes house is huge!

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They both walk to Childes house.

"What the fuck-? Are you sure this is your house?!"
Scaramouche asked in shock

"Yes, yes it is."
He replied as he pulled his keys out

Unlocking the mahogany lined door, each second brought more of a challenge of unlocking the heavy door.

After a minute of struggle the door swung open to reveal a big, high ceiling home. The floors were either neatly lined bright lined wood or a beautiful stone.

The walls were white, with complimentary stone walls.

The living room was lined with LED lights, and a few grape vines twirling down from the floor balcony above.

"What the hell?! This place is like a palace!" Scaramouche yelled, as the sound slightly echoed.

"Nothing new, I've lived here my whole life." He said taking his shoes off.

"Well, your majesty, where do I wait?"
He said sarcastically, emphasizing "majesty"

"Well, if you want to roam around the top floor of where my room is, I don't mind." Childe stated.
"Lets go."
He said as he walked to and up the stairs, jogging.

Scaramouche followed childes steps as they approached another staircase, this time spiralling up

"What? More stairs..?" Scaramouche said slightly panting

"Is that really all you can take?"
"Lets go already."
He scoffed

As both followed the spiral staircase, a room the size of a normal persons house bedroom was revealed.

"Dude- how rich even are you?! You even have a walk in closet and your own bathroom.."

"No big deal, I'm going to go find an outfit that doesn't reek of cigarettes."
He laughed as he walked off

Scaramouche pov

I looked around the room in awe, the room looked huge compared to mine, the floors had not one piece of wood sticking out to poke my feet.

The room was fairly clean, however beside the bed there was..a bottle of vodka and a shirt.


I looked to my right, eyeing a shiny piano.

I sat down at the bench of the piano, clicking a few random tiles, which obviously made noise.

I got up and began looking around, the bed was huge, on the wall sat a big TV, and underneath a colorful setup for a wide computer.

LED lights surrounded the room in a pinkish purple color being complimented by fake leaves and a few real plants hanging from the slanted ceiling.

He lives right under the roof?

I've always wanted to live right under the roof as a child, before I left mom.

My mom is a piece of shit, she favors Raiden over me, I feel like shit around my sister.

Glad I'm out of there anyways.

I picked up a half full glass bottle of red filled liquid

I took a sip, it tasted fruity and sweet. Wondering what it was, just as I was putting the glass down, childe came out of the walk in closet.

"Oh, you like kompot?" He asked

"A what?

"It's a fruit drink, almost like a fruit punch but it's handmade." Childe continued smiling

"Why are you-"

"I forgot to mention, that has some alcohol in it so be careful." He interrupted

I quickly put the glass down

"Anyways, I'm ready to go to dottores house now." Childe continued

"Yeah, okay"

you were in my dream • chiscara [modern]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें