haunting you

421 10 24

"What?! is this a 'who's flirts are gayer' contest now? I'm so tired..."
Scaramouche groaned, laying back on the couch, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Since you complained, I won" Ajax smiled proudly.

"No way! Your compliments suck!"
He yelled, jerking back up.

"Oh, please, Scaramouche you didn't even do shit." He responded.

"You were literally tomato red, don't you even try to fight that." Scaramouche protested.

"Shut up..." Ajax groaned.

"Ajax..do you know it's 4 fucking am right now?" Scaramouche hissed.
"We have been doing this stupid shit all night, I've almost fallen asleep twice, so this proves it again..You. Are. Boring~" He added

Childe's eyes quickly widened as he checked the time, completely ignoring the insult.

The clock read 4 am.

Ajax looked down with a fun idea in mind.

Scaramouche noticed the awkward silence, and stared down at the ginger, on the floor.

"Oh my god, what now?" Scaramouche rolled his eyes

"Just follow me, grab a sweater or something it's chilly outside."

As he agreed both began walking up to the elevator behind the stairs of his home to not wake his siblings.

"I never even knew you had an elevator. How about make-up for everything you just hand me your credit card on the weekends?" Scaramouche laughed as he waited for the elevator to go up.

This elevator wasn't a fancy, big one as well. It was a tight space elevator meant for one person at a time, though somehow they both fit in it.

"That also reminds me, we can go and buy stupid shit from that plaza near our house." Childe suggested

"Huh? 'Our' house?" He questioned

"Oh, come on.. you sleep over here so much and have about 5 pairs of clothes and chargers here. Signora texted me a while ago complaining how you basically aren't her roommate anymore."

"Fine, fine Einstein you don't have to keep blabbering on about it." Scaramouche rolled his eyes as the elevator came to a stop.

A soft female voice spoke "floor 4" as the elevator doors opened.

"Sorry, my elevator is in the big-ass closet." Ajax laughed.


"When this house was built it was meant for my parents and my siblings, not me since I was around 18 at that time." He explained as they walked.

"Then, when I got kicked out of my first house for not paying rent I just moved in with my parents." He continued.

Scaramouche looked for his sweater in childe's huge wardrobe.

"I just chose the empty under-the-roof room and they paid maybe 30 thousand for a renovation, and added the elevator from the third floor up here a year after they built this closet."

"Oh? And also..where even are your parents?" He Scaramouche questioned.

"So..when I was 16, my parents had a divorce and my mother couldn't afford to pay for her own apartment, and since my dad was always at work they lived here, just never talked."

Scaramouche took his sweater as they walked back into the elevator as the heavy metal doors closed.

"Then, a year as of now my father died and I inherited all his money and this house." He frowned

you were in my dream • chiscara [modern]Where stories live. Discover now