He was in my dream..?

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Scaramouche pov

I'm running through a long, endless field of nothing but tall grass, crying. It's raining and cold.

The way the wind blew made my skin feel tingly, I suddenly ran off a cliff, falling to my death.

When I landed in the same field, except where it was sunny and humid.

In the distance stood my mother with her arms open, smiling. I ran to her without hesitation before I ran right through her.

My sister, my sister but younger ran to her and hugged her instead.

My whole world fell apart in that moment. My sister who took everything away from me was there. As it was again starting to thunder, a blade appeared infront of me.

The scenery transitioned from the field to the town I lived in.

I walked to my mother's house, and began looking up at the window. I began somehow climbing up and reaching it, there my sister was sleeping.

I took the blade and stabbed her countless times.

Then appeared my new friend, Ajax out of nowhere. He was sitting casually on my sister's other bed, which was once mine.

"Hahah, well that was quite the entertainment. Good job, Scaramouche!" He exclaimed

In that very moment I felt odd and looked down at my hands.

They looked odd and terrifying.

I heard the laughter again..

The laughter continued and quickly stopped as I jolted up, waking up, covering my eyes and being hit with the worst headache in history.

"Jeez, what happened to you?" Dottore asked.

"Goddamn it, just get me some fucking painkillers!" I yelled as I began to lay down again.

"Good morning?" Ajax said in a confused tone.

"Don't fucking talk to me."

"Phahah, Scara- you're up so late and now you're yelling at everyone. You know we were waiting for you to wake up, right? It's 1pm already." Signora said with a smug look on her face.

"Shut the fuck up and get me painkillers, now."

"What's with your tone..?" Ajax asked.

"It's typical, it's his way of being friendly or something." Dottore explained

"I'm right here, peabrain!"

Signora handed me two pills with a glass of water.

"Thank you signora." I whispered

"Anyways, we should go ice skating today! While you were all asleep I found a place in our town where our friend went skating!" Signora suggested.

"Now before you call me an idiot and say it's summer it's indoors!" She smiled.

"So what do you think?" She asked.

Everyone agreed upon the idea, Dottore suggested everyone gets into Childes "extra-expensive-fancy-self-driving car".

As everyone got up and began walking out the door, each of them counting their money.

"Signora, could you drive me home for a minute? I need to grab my good skates." He smirked.

Signora smiled back, knowing what the surprise to everyone was going to be.

"Sure! I'll be right back everyone~" signora waved.

you were in my dream • chiscara [modern]Where stories live. Discover now