one, specifically, the most horrific and morbid:

my brother is dead.

she truly believed it in the moment.

my brother is dead.

he had just fallen down a ditch and he was. not. moving.

my brother is dead.

tears stung her eyes, her entire face wet with tears, snot, and rain water.

"luke!" claire cried again, desperately.

karl made it to her brother before she did. he crouched down and shook the boy, trying to wake him up.

luke didn't move.

karl stood back up and froze as his eyes landed on luke's leg. from claire's view point, she couldn't see what he was looking at.

karl snapped out of his disturbed state and quickly started to pick luke up. he placed luke's arms around his shoulders and stood up.

that's when claire saw it.

luke's leg was bent horribly out of position.

a gash almost the full length of his thigh was pouring fresh blood all over his knee, shin, shoes, the ground. blood was everywhere.

claire almost passed out at the sight of it.

luke's head slowly raised, glazed eyes staring at nothing for a moment, then he quickly lost consciousness again.

relief flooded claire's brain at the prospect that luke was still alive. still, fresh fear rushed through her at the sight of his state.

his face was as white as a sheet.

all colour in his face was gone; his lips were the same colour as his skin.

claire rushed to karl's side and helped pull luke out of the ditch.

they got to the top, and jess quickly took claire's place.

"i'm sorry." claire was whispering, hyperventilating. "i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm sorry i love you luke i'm so so sorry."

her frantic whispers continued as she sobbed even harder.

claire felt so faint and so nauseous. she could hardly even force the shallow breaths into her lungs.

they began walking as quickly as they could while struggling with luke's body. they had to make it back to the cabin.

claire made the mistake of glancing down at luke's leg again.

she threw up.

she fell to her knees and started vomiting onto the fresh dirt in front of her.

"claire!" jess yelled. "we're almost there, please get up!" she pleaded.

claire got up and ran to them. jess and karl were struggling to keep the 12-year-old upright. not from his weight, but from their own shaky hands and nauseous stomachs.

autumn |KARL JACOBS X FEMALE OC|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن