~the log~

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autumn 2012

"luke, hurry your butt up." claire called.

"but it's dark, claire!" he whined. "what if we get lost . . ."

"you think jess would let us get lost? she knows this place like the back of her hand. now come on."

unconvinced, luke glanced uneasily back in the direction of the cabin. karl dropped away from the rest of the group and offered luke a smile. "don't be scared, buddy. i'm here. we're all right here. you know how strong claire and jess are. they'll keep us safe."

"are you sure, karl? i'm scared . . ."

"of course. we've been in these woods a thousand times, there's nothing to worry about. plus you're so brave, luke!"

"you think i'm brave?" luke asked quietly.

"only the bravest eight-year-old i know! now come on, let's catch up to the girls."

karl caught up and walked right next to claire, their shoulders brushing as they walked step in step. she pretended not to have heard his conversation with her little brother, but she had. he had called her strong . . .

"where are we even going, jess?" karl asked, using a sharper tone with his own sister than with claire's little brother.

"if i told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it? we're almost there though, i can tell you that. just be patient."

they walked through the crowded woods, avoiding pointy sticks jutting out from the earth like spikes.

"watch your step, claire. you don't wanna get impaled." karl warned.

"as long as you don't push me again, i think i'll be just fine, thanks." claire countered, remembering yesterday, when karl had run into her, causing her to fall. she had a nasty gash on her shoulder from one of the sharp sticks. she didn't mind, though, especially not after jess had told her it made her look tough.

"it was an accident! maybe if you keep up that attitude, i'll do it again."

"karl, don't threaten the girl, please. i'll be in enough trouble if our parents find out about what i'm about to show you. i don't want to worry about threats, too."

"why would mom and dad get us in trouble? jess, what are you showing us-"

"we're here!" jess exclaimed before he could finish.

in front of them was a huge dip in the earth. if claire had to guess, it looked to go about 12 feet down and 15 feet across.

"woah . . ." luke breathed. "this is really cool. are we gonna build a new fort here?"

"even better." jess replied, pointing just to the left of them.

a few yards over was a fallen tree. trees in the woods got knocked over all the time, whether it be from harsh winds or fierce storms. this one in particular, though, had fallen so that it perfectly connected the two halves of the ground, like a balance beam of sorts. it stretched all the way from one side to the other.

"you're not suggesting what i think you are, are you jess?" karl asked suspiciously. the troublemakers had triumphed countless feats, but this was dangerous, even for them.

"oh, yes i am. now, since you guys are younger, i'm not going to encourage you to attempt this. in fact, i'm not going to let you do it at all. i know y'all are capable of lots, but this might be too much. and i'm responsible for you guys." jess turned towards the log with a smirk. "fortunately, i have no problem doing it myself." she stepped up onto the log confidently.

"jess, i don't think you should do this . . ." karl said uneasily.

luke nodded. "jess, you'll die if you fall from there!"

"who said i'm going to fall?" she teased, bringing her other foot onto the log and extending her arms.

claire remained silent, conflicted. she would follow jess almost anywhere, but this suicide log was definitely too much for her. she wanted to stop jess, but really, was there any way to stop her? she got this look in her eyes . . . and when you saw it, you knew there was nothing you could do. you knew she was determined and wouldn't stop until she reached her goal.

"here we go!" jess called as she began her walk.

"jessica avery jacobs, turn around!" karl yelled, real worry showing on his face.

"what's that? i can't hear you from out here." jess replied, though she was only about three steps from her starting point.

"be careful!" claire called, no longer able to contain her concern.

"when am i ever not careful?"

seven steps in. eight. nine.

suddenly, she began wobbling and swinging her arms around wildly. "woah!"

"JESS!" the three screamed.

jess threw her head back and laughed. "gotcha!"

"jess, that isn't funny!" karl yelled.

by now she was about halfway to the other side. the only thing the three others could do was watch, praying she wouldn't fall.

"you guys should be so impressed right now." jess said, now three quarters done. "this takes another level of skill."

"celebrate when you're on the other side, idiot." karl said.

"karl. what if that's the last thing you ever say to her?" claire scolded.

"yeah karl, what if i fall and die?"

"just get to the other side, please!"

"aww, so you do care." jess teased.

jess was finally at the other side. she turned around to face the others, held up her right hand, and saluted as she took a dramatic backwards step onto safe ground.

the three collectively let out a sigh of relief. "that was too close, jess." karl said.

"more like too cool. admit it, that was pretty sick." she called from the other side.

"whatever." he grumbled.

"my turn!" luke yelled, sprinting over to the log. that was luke for you, scared out of his shorts one second, and ready for anything the next.

"nope! not in a million years." claire said, grabbing the strap of his lightning mcqueen backpack and yanking him back.

"but jess did it and she was fine!"

"gonna have to agree with your sister on this one, buddy. too dangerous, okay?" jess called.


"hey, why don't we go back to the cabin and make hot chocolate?" karl suggested.

right as he said it, a gust of wind blew around them, the october air starting to get cool.

"good idea." claire agreed. "let's go."

so it was home they went, hot chocolate and mini marshmallows for each of them. the story of jess and her log of doom was a recurring story among the group for years to come. sure, maybe each time the story was told, the intensity multiplied. '35 feet from the ground!' was said once. but the exact details didn't matter to them. it was the adventure of it all that lived in their hearts.

autumn |KARL JACOBS X FEMALE OC|Where stories live. Discover now