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on the night of the fourth day, claire found herself unable to drift off to sleep.

maybe it was all the coke she had drank just a few hours earlier. maybe it was the racing of her own thoughts she couldn't seem to slow down. maybe it was for no reason at all; just her body being stubborn.

claire sighed and rolled over for what felt like the hundredth time that night. she decided that sleep would not find her any time soon and that she should get up and walk around instead. maybe a quick journey downstairs for a cup of water would tire her enough to allow her to sleep.

claire got up from her bed and padded barefoot down the hallway, her dirty blonde hair up in a messy bun.

claire reached to bottom of the stairs and made her way into the kitchen, flicking on a single light. the place almost looked tired itself; almost as though the kitchen had been asleep before she intruded and turned the lights on. she felt that she should return to bed as soon as possible, so she grabbed a glass quickly and brought it over to the sink.

just then, in the corner of her eye, claire caught a flicker of movement. her heart jumped in her chest and took on a steady thumping. she whirled around and looked behind her, but saw nothing there.

all she could hear was her heartbeat. she abandoned the glass on the counter, no longer thirsty. just before she could spin around and retreat back to the safety of her room, she saw movement again. it was then that she realized there was nothing inside the house, but outside.


relief washed over her in one heavy dump and she felt instantly foolish. she laughed only to herself as she walked over to the back door.

she opened it up, causing karl to jump this time. she felt a little smug that she got payback on him, even though he couldn't have known the fright he'd caused her.

"claire, you scared the crap out of me." karl said, a hand over his chest. "what are you doing up?"

claire leaned against the doorframe. "i could ask you the same thing."

karl looked back out over the backyard that led into the woods. "couldn't sleep."

"me neither. mind if i join you?"

karl wordlessly gestured to the seat next to him and she took it. the night was serene and peaceful. the wind and clouds from the storm the day prior had disappeared, leaving a calm silent sky in its wake.

"how long have you been out here?" claire asked.

"oh, not long. about ten minutes before you showed up."

claire suddenly had the thought that maybe she had interrupted something and that he'd rather be alone. "sorry, is it okay that i stay? or did you wanna be alone?"

karl shook his head quickly. "no, no. i don't mind at all. i'm glad you came."

heat rose up her cheeks and she was suddenly grateful for the dark.

"well, i'm glad you're not a ghost. or an intruder." she said. karl gave her a confused look, so she continued. "i was just getting some water when i saw you moving. it scared me so bad. i thought this place was haunted or something."

karl laughed quietly. "right." he was silent a moment. "like we used to tell luke."

claire lit up at the mention. "that was one of our best, i must say." claire said, slightly proud, because most of it had been her idea. "scratching the walls while he was sleeping? or throwing things into the room so he thought it was a ghost? man, that was good."

karl laughed with her. "i felt so bad for the kid, but it was pretty good."

claire admired his bright smile in the dark. there was something about darkness and close proximity that made everything so much more intimate.

"until he started crying, of course." karl added.

claire rolled her eyes. "always such a mood killer. why can't kids just let you bully them in peace? what's with the constant crying and tattling?" she shook her head. "a shame, really."

"oh, come on." karl teased. "you were the same way. when luke and i would pull pranks on you, you would cry and cry."

"first of all, i was super young when that happened. and second, it's only funny when it happens to other people!"

karl laughed again and they continued their conversation. it was becoming harder and harder for claire to ignore karl's little mannerisms that she adored so much. surrounded by daylight and siblings, it was easier for her to distract herself. but sitting here, with him, in the dark with just the two of them, everything she once loved about him was coming into sharp focus.

she was thinking about her younger self, how much she liked this boy. his laugh, his personality, his jokes. she had been head over heels for him.

they stayed outside together for a while.

claire was just in the middle of laughing way too loud, covering her mouth, when she thought of the sleeping people inside the house. "oh my gosh." she whispered suddenly. "what time is it?"

karl's eyes widened, clearly he hadn't thought of it either, lost in the moment just like claire was. "i don't even have my phone on me." he said. "let's go inside."

they walked through the door and looked straight at the digital clock on the stove.

3:09AM it read.

claire and karl looked at each other and surpressed giddy giggles with their hands.

"karl." claire hissed. "it's been, like, two hours."

karl laughed. "i know. i think we should go to bed now."

"yeah, maybe." claire said sarcastically, making karl laugh again.

they rushed up the stairs as quietly as they could, not wanting to wake up either of their siblings.

karl walked claire to her bedroom door, like a gentleman would walk a girl up to her porch. it made her chest warm with feeling.

"goodnight karl." claire whispered.

"goodnight claire." he whispered back, catching her off guard by hugging her. she hugged him back and breathed in his familiar scent.

he backed away too soon and claire felt cold without his close presence. he gave her a sweet smile and walked back to his room without another word.

claire got back into her bed and pulled her blankets closely to her chin. she couldn't stop smiling, her cheeks hurting from her unwavering grin, but she couldn't seem to shake it.

she realized something with a sudden clarity as she laid there.

she was falling for karl all over again.

autumn |KARL JACOBS X FEMALE OC|Where stories live. Discover now