Sign Of The Times ~ C.P

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Warnings- Talk of Suicidal Thoughts, Death.
This is not my idea, it is completely @womenaregorgeous 's idea with my twist :)

Y/n's pov
The rebels have just invaded our ship. Myself and the other thousands of stormtroopers were fighting against them, along with Captain Phasma. I've always loved Captain Phasma despite her being a bitch to everyone who breathes near her. Thats what status and rank does to a person. Her chrome armour has always mesmerised me. I've never even seen her face. But her height and fighting skills make up for it massively. But this will be my final time fighting alongside her, I just don't know it yet; it's my final show.

However, I honestly don't have the energy to fight back. The thoughts have been so overwhelming recently that I would rather kill myself than stay loyal to my leaders. I've contemplated refusing orders so one of the higher-ups would kill me. At this point I'd rather jump out into the endless void of the galaxy and suffocate. Then I'd be there forever. No one would go out of their way to retrieve a lone, dead, stormtrooper. But here I am. The suicidal thoughts haven't taken over yet... unfortunately.

Im now face to face with ex-stormtrooper who now goes as Finn. "Come on y/n. Your better than this. Come join us" he said passionately. "Your a fool to think I'd join the resistance" I scoffed. He shrugged, "your choice y/n". "Its FN-2199" I said abruptly before lifting my gun and aiming it at him. He aimed his weapon at me and, after a short standoff, shot at me first. I tried my best to defend myself, but I was distracted by a tall, silver figure running towards me. Not at me though. But she stopped next to me to fight the last of the rebels in our quarter. I quickly dismissed my thoughts when a bullet skimmed my armour. It knocked me back a couple of steps, but I regained my balance and shot back. The bullet went straight through 'Finn's' shoulder. His fault for not wearing and protection. Idiot.

He dropped to the floor holding his weapon on one hand, and his wounded shoulder in the other. My whole body relaxed. For a second it went silent. There were no more shots being fired, that I could hear. It felt so surreal. That was until a voice behind me broke the silence. "Well done FN-2..". The chrome figure was cut off my a final bullet being fired. Right through my abdomen. Despite my efforts to stay stable, I fell straight into Captain Phasma's arms. A muffled shout passed my ears, but the ringing in them distorted whatever she shouted.

While my vision was blurry and the room was spinning, Phasma dragged me away to an isolated room. It conveniently had a bed in it. I was gently placed on the bed and within seconds, all if my armour was on the floor. A strong sense of deja-vu took over me. Last year ,when I attempted suicide, Phasma was the one who found me. She had ripped every piece of armour off of me, despite it only being a small (but deep) vertical cut on both wrists. As I was bleeding out on the medic table, she stayed with me. The whole time. And she'd visit me every day while in recovery. When I cried and pleaded for her to kill me she would just hold my hand, or occasionally hug me. She even congratulated me on 'getting better' and said if she were stupid she'd be proud of me. I took that with a pinch of salt and in my mind, she was proud of me.

After removing all of my armour she applied pressure to my wound. I winced and breathed out "Phasma. Phasma stop". "No. No I will not stop" she sobbed. I didn't even realise she was crying. "Im just another stormtrooper, theres thousands of us. Im just another number". That statement received a an annoyed sigh from the Captain. "You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky" I said through gritted teeth due to the pain. "But I can prolong you getting there!" She shouted. "We never learn, do we? We've been here before". She didn't even reply this time; she just continued applying pressure to my stomach in an attempt to slow or maybe even stop the bleeding. I again winced and my whole body tensed up, making the pain worse.

"Phasma please. I've always been stuck running from the bullets.. Let me go". "You have NO IDEA how much it hurt me when I found you that day. When you were just laying there, lifeless, but still alive some how. Listen I know you're hurting and in pain, but you need to hold on. This life isn't easy, trust me I know" she paused to take a deep breath. "But you are worth more than this".

"Ple- please can you take your helmet off?". Instantly she took my hands and placed them on my wound. She unclipped her helmet and took it off. She has blonde hair. It's practically white. It's beautiful. And her face. God, her face. It was perfect. Her deep blue eyes. Her button nose. Everything about her was absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning. Just perfect. Even with tears running down it. Her hands replaced mine after she ran her hands through her hair, getting it all out of her face. Even though my hand was bloody, I brought it up to her face to try and get rid of her tears. She clearly didn't care about the blood as parts of her hair was now a dark shade of red.

"Just stop your crying Phasma, it's a sign of the times" I said tiredly, my hand still connected to her face. "What do you mean? Sign of the times.. what?". Her voice with out the filter was addicting. It was nearly a reason to try and hold on in itself. "The suicidal thoughts are back. The amount of times I've nearly acted on them this week is uncountable..." I explained. "I know that my end is near". "Please" she begged. "Come lie down with me" I stuttered. Her trying to keep me alive was just continuing the physical pain I had that was radiating from my torso.

Eventually she gave in, and placed herself next to me gently. Her hand stroked my face comfortingly, wiping any stray tears that fell. "Please remember everything will be alright. Maybe we'll meet again somewhere, somehow. Just somewhere far away from here.. okay?" I stopped to regain my breath. "I will always be there when you need me, even when you think you don't. I promise. And don't mourn me. Move on. Like I said. We'll meet again somewhere". "We never talked enough! We should've opened up! Before now, while its all too much..".

My hand slowly made its way to her head. Without any force, I pushed her head down to meet my shoulder. Our bodies seemed to mould together perfectly. We lied like that for whet felt like hours, but I don't imagine I would've survived that long. I shushed her and stroked her hair, trying to ensure she was calm. She still accommodated to my pain though, making sure I was as comfortable as I could possibly be. Sobs still left her mouth occasionally. "Stop your crying baby, it's a sign of the times" I cooed.

The room was now spinning again, but the pain coming from my stomach had reduced to minor stinging and throbbing. I could see that my hands were pale as I stroked Phasma's hair. I knew that my time was coming very soon. I laid there and thought about how many times I've thought about killing myself in the past week alone. Hopefully I'm making the right decision here. "I- I never told you this, but I love you Phasma. So much. I always have" I forced out weakly. A cry left her mouth before she sobbed "I love yo..". Blackness.

(A/N) Two in one night? Told you all I'd try and be more consistent lol.
I actually really love this one.. Phasma has my heart<3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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