It's Not Your Fault ~ M.H

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Warnings- Sexual Assault, Anxiety, Self Harm.
This happened to me today so ig this is to make me feel better. I've just added a few parts & Miranda to make it into a story...
Miranda is a mother figure in this :)

Y/n's pov
I was on my way to my next lesson when I am stopped by a massive crowd of people. Nothing was going on there was just a lot of students blocking the corridor. My anxiety was at it's peak, but seeing my friend not far away from me made me calm a bit. People in front and behind me are pushing and shoving each other, evidently hitting me. I see a group of five/six boys pushing past people, getting closer to me slowly.

As everyone starts to move forward again, and as I go to move I feel a boy staring at me for a short second. My anxiety increases again and so I just look at the floor. Then, I feel his hand brush up against my arm and grab my left boob. It hurt. His tight grasp let go as he follows his friends. I didn't even look to see who it was; I just panicked and walked off, pushing past the occasional other. I just wanted to be off of that corridor. Tears began to form in my eyes as I searched for my friend.

I catch up with my friend and she asks if I'm okay as a stray tear escapes my eye. I explain what happened and a gasp escapes her mouth. "Please don't tell anyone though!" I pleaded not wanting to make a big deal. "I wont y/n but you need to go to a teacher. Thats fucked up" she replied, disgusted. "It's fine, it's whatever you know..". I wasn't fine. I just wanted to go home. I go to my favourite teacher and ask her to let me into the toilet.

When I get in there I break down into tears. My shaky hands reach for my phone in my pocket. My breath picks up as my sobs become more frequent. I wasn't having a panic attack though. I flick through my contacts and quickly find 'Mum🫶🏻' and press call. "Hello?" I hear Miranda say. "Mir- Miranda please come pick me up" I cry. "Y/n what's wrong are you alright? I'm on my way now. I'll be in my police uniform though, is that alright?" she questioned innocently. "Yes, yes please just come pick me up. I want to go home!". "It's okay y/n just breathe. I'll be there in five". "Okay.. bye" I sob.

I look into the mirror and wipe the tears from my face, straighten out my uniform and sort my hair out. Not wanting to get into trouble for being out of lesson, I sneak out of the bathroom and make my way to the office quickly. The receptionist lady asked what I was doing and I simply told her I'm waiting to be picked up by my mother. I signed out before sitting on a chair waiting for Miranda, pulling my blazer around me covering as much of my blouse as i could. Tears start to gather in my eyes but I just blink them away.

Less than five minutes later I see Miranda walk in and so I run up to her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. "Miranda!" I whisper shout. Her arms snake around me and she whispers "Are you alright? Whats gone on?". "Can we talk about it when we get home, please?"  "Yeah of course, come on. You can get changed then we can talk whenever your ready". "Thank you so much" I said with a sad smile on my face. She wipes the tears off my face then holds my hand as we retreat back to the car.

The ride home was quiet with the radio being the only source of sound. The whole time my anxiety increased to levels I had never felt before; i needed a release. We pull up to the house and I quickly scurry to the door and Miranda follows. Whilst shutting the door behind her, she says "Come here, y/n". I walk towards her and she envelopes me in her arms. "Go get changed, have a minute to breathe, take however long you need. I'll be here when you're ready to talk" Miranda whispered to me, pressing a soft kiss to my head. I can't even form any words so I just nod my head, plastering a slight smile on my face.

Once I've made it upstairs to my room, I instantly get changed into some leggings, a white sports bra and an Off-White hoodie. I cant even think straight. Guilt, anxiety, confusion, disgust all run throughout my body. Part of me tells me to just go downstairs and tell Miranda everything, but the rest of me tells me to find a release first. I listen to the rest of me. I pull my sleeves up to reveal scars on my arms as I retrieve my blade from it's spot in my bedside draw. As soon as I pick the blade up more guilt courses through me.

I drag the blade across my left arm until its full of cuts. The burning of it makes me feel better so I continue to cut my right arm as well. I didn't even realise I was crying again until a tear landed on my arm and seeped into one of my cuts. I look down at my arms and see a little more blood than usual. I panic and drop the blade onto the floor, pull my sleeves down causing blood to smudge on the cuffs of the sleeves. I run out of my room and go straight downstairs to find Miranda.

As I'm searching for her I pull my arms into me to make them sting more, one last time before I seek Miranda's help. I forgot I was wearing a white hoodie though. I reach the door way of the lounge, my rapid breathing alerting the blonde that I was downstairs. I see her eyes stop at my arms as she assesses my state. "Oh my god! Y/n what happened are you okay? Come here let me see where you're bleeding from, please"

"Mum" I start. "Don't be mad at me please, or don't leave me or anything please I'm sorry". "I promise I won't leave you, or be mad at you, or anything! Is this what happened today? Please y/n. Come here I need to make sure you're okay". I reluctantly walk towards her, my breath hitching and tears running down my face. I pull my red stained sleeves up to reveal the mass amount of cuts I had. "W- what are these love? Did you do them to yourself?" I nodded as that was all I could manage to do. "How could I never notice this?" She questioned herself, noticing my scars.

Miranda's pov
I don't know what to do. As a police officer I see things like this a lot, but I never thought I'd have to see y/n go through it. "I need to clean them. Please y/n let me clean them then we can talk". "O-okay" she replied quietly. I gently take her hand and lead her to the bathroom where the First Aid box is. She sits up on the side as I grab the needed items. I quickly clean her up not wanting to cause her anymore pain with the hydrogen peroxide. Though I was unsure at first, I decided to not wrap them as they stopped bleeding after a while.

After putting everything away, I picked y/n up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom. Her head was nestled into the nook of my neck and her arms were lightly wrapped around my neck. We reached my bedroom and so I threw back the covers on my bed and snuggled up to y/n, covering us with the duvet. "Do you want to tell me what happened today yet darling?" I asked breaking the silence. "Please Mum, if thats okay" she said, her head still on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile. "I'm all ears darling". "So basically I was on my way to lesson and there was a ton of people on one of the corridors and we were all just kind of there. But then some boys were pushing past others to get to wherever they were going but they had to stop near me because there was too many people behind me. So then one of them kind of stared at me for a second then he grabbed my boob before following his friends to wherever they were going. And it made me really anxious and I panicked so I didn't look at him or see what he looked like so I don't even know who he is. It still made me feel like shit though and I just feel really confused and sort of guilty. Like.. I feel like I'm blaming him but maybe I did something to provoke him you know? Maybe I smiled at him and i just don't remember? It's probably my fault to be honest. But either way it made me feel like shit so I cut myself to make myself feel better.. and part of me told myself to go speak to you straight away but I just couldn't bring myself to, and I honestly couldn't tell you why. I'm just being stupid though. And theres no point in looking into it because I don't even know who he is, or what he looks like."

"Oh my god y/n" I started, pulling her into me. "What that boy did to you today in school is not your fault. At all. It has nothing to do with your personality, or your smile, or anything. It is completely his wrong doing. You didn't deserve it at all and we will find out who it was. He will be punished, I'll make sure of it. I'm a police officer for god's sake. I will do everything in my power to help you feel safe. Okay? And please, please y/n. Come to me the next time you feel like harming yourself. You're my daughter and it absolutely breaks me seeing you like this and knowing whats happened to you. It's not you fault. Alright? I love you so so much y/n and I promise I will always protect you"

I look down to see tears streaming down y/n's face. I wipe them off for her and ask "did I say something wrong?". "No! No gods no. No one's ever shown that much love for me before. And I thought you'd want me gone because I self harmed. I just.. I just appreciate you so much. And you called me your daughter" she said with a genuine smile on her face. "Well yeah. I mean I see you as a daughter and I hope you see me as a mother.." I replied wearily. "I do mum. I love you thank you so much for everything". "Anything for you dear. I love you endlessly. And I promise i will sort this out for you"

(A/N) hopefully this doesn't seem to rushed. I decided to write this instead of drowning myself in self-pity lol.
Please give me some suggestions aha <3

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