Sky Full Of Stars ~ L.W

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Warnings- Anxiety, panic attack, kissing, physical touch (idk if the last two need a warning but I'm going to put one anyway)
y/n will be 22 in this but not a student and Wednesday will not be in this story!

y/n's pov
Its the day of the Harvest Festival and everyone is so excited, all huddled up in their friend groups talking about what outfit there going to wear or what they're most excited for at the fair. Me, on the other hand. I'm terrified. The crowds, the loud music, the normies. Just the thought of it all makes me anxious. But, attendance is mandatory so I can't get out of this one.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a letter that is slipped under the door to my dorm. It read in beautiful cursive handwriting "Come to my office, I miss you ♡︎ - L.W". I couldn't help but smile at Larissa's note; we've been in a 'secret' relationship since I was in my last year at Nevermore. I haven't left the school so I could stay with her. We sleep in her dorm thats attached to her office every night, but I have my own single dorm so no pupils or teachers would be suspicious.

Standing up from the bed, I straighten out my skirt ensuring there are no creases in it. My dorm is the closest to Larissa's office/room but its still a couple minute walk. The sound of my platform shoes against the floor echoed throughout the long corridor. I matched my breathing to my steady steps in an attempt to calm myself as thoughts of tonight filled my mind once again, but it didn't work. My breathing became more erratic and I sped up my pace wanting to be with Larissa. After a two minute walk I reached Larissa's office. I knocked on the door and heard my girlfriend's calming voice call out "come in".

Larissa's pov
I heard the soft knock on my door and called out "come in" desperately hoping it would be y/n. When I saw her entering my room a smile quickly spread across my face and my heart started racing just at her presence. My smile was replaced by a concerned look when I saw the worry on her face. I instantly stood up and raced over to her, embracing her tightly in my arms. "Whats wrong my love? Are you alright? Did something happen?"  I noticed her breathing was erratic so I guided her over to the sofa and sat us both down. Her hands made her way to mine and grabbed them as tears started streaming down her face. She's having a panic attack. I tried to get her to look at me but instead she moved closer to me and pulled me into a tight hug and buried her face into the nook of my neck. Her sobs were still uneven and she started hyperventilating. I pulled her away from me and got her to look at me by cupping her face in my hands. "Breathe my love okay? Breathe y/n" I said quietly but loud enough for her to hear. She held my hands again and we sat facing each other; I steadied my breathing so she could copy it and eventually calm down.

It took a while but I didn't care. As long as y/n calmed down and was okay. I got her to come sit facing me on my lap and she buried her head into me again. "Thank you" she said her voice muffled as she planted her face deeper into my neck. "Its okay darling.. I'll always help you". "I'm sorry" she cried
"No no no, don't apologise. Never apologise for being anxious, okay? Do you want to talk about it?" I said trying to hide the worry in my speech. She sat up to look at me, still holding on to my shoulders. "I'm just.. I don't know. I'm really anxious about tonight. There's going to be a lot of people and noise". "Oh my love.. you can stay with me the whole time if you'd like? And if things get too much at any point we can take a minute away, alright?" "Are you sure? I don't want to be a pain..". "Of course my love. How about we both go pick out our outfits and stay in here until it's time to go. You can sit next to me on the bus". "Yes please Larissa.. thank you so much". "Okay darling I'm so proud of you! I love you" I said. "I love you more" y/n said with a smug look on her face thinking she's won. "I love you most dear" I giggled.

*time skip to the drive to the Harvest Festival*
We were on our way to the festival, and y/n interlocked her hand with mine. She was trying her best to mask her nervousness but I saw right through her facade. "It's okay my love, you're alright". She looked over at me and gave me a reassured look. I kissed my girlfriend on the lips. I didn't care if anyone saw, y/n's 22 anyway and she's not even a student. I want to let everyone know she's mine.

We pulled up at the event and as soon as the doors to the bus opened, everyone rushed out. Y/n and I were the last people off. We stepped off the bus and I put my arm around her waist. She took a deep breath before we proceeded towards a food stand. We both got a hot chocolate and sat down at a bench facing each other. I could tell she'd calmed down quite a bit, but a nervous look was still clinging to her face as she stared at something behind me.
"Would you like to do something with me?" I said pulling her out of her trance. "What something do you mean love?" She replied sounding confused. I stood up from my seat, helped y/n up and put my arm around her waist as I guided her towards the ferris wheel. She gave me a confused look but went along with it. I handed the man some money and we got on. Since we were the last ones on we started to move almost instantly.

The ride came to a stop when we were at the very top as I had payed the man extra so we could have a couple extra minutes up there. I know y/n loves to look at the stars as they calm her, so I took this as the perfect opportunity. I looked over at my girlfriend to see a small smile on her face as her eyes wandered across the sky full of stars. "Thank you Larissa. Thank for everything. I know I can be a handful but I'm so grateful for everything you do for me. I love you endlessly". "You're not hard work darling. I'll help you anytime. I love you always and forever" I replied. I put my free hand on her face and pulled her closer to me. She copied my actions and our lips moulded together perfectly, filling the empty space that was once between them. Y/n is my everything, my reason for living. She's the brightest star in my life.

A/N I hope you like this one! I'm going to try and out way bad endings with sweet ones :)
1227 words 🙈

Gwendoline Christie MH and Smut One-Shots <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora