Baby Steps ~ G.C

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Warnings- Eating Struggles, Insecurity, Anxiety
Idk why you all like these as I can't write them very well, but i will continue to write then if you all like them! 🙈

Y/n's pov
My wife, Gwendoline, and I have been together for ten years now. We met when we were both casted on Game Of Thrones, her playing Brienne Of Tarth and myself playing Daenerys Targaryen. However Gwen had to loose quite a bit of weight for the role, and she had to bulk up as well as losing her long hair. Due to this she struggled with her self esteem and confidence massively. Eventually this lead to her gaining an eating disorder.

Gwen never got any 'professional help' as speculations would surf the internet rapidly, and it gave her huge amounts of anxiety. So to help her, I have eaten with her at every single meal I possibly can for the past ten years. I would sit down with her and just chat to her while were eating our meals. No matter if she was struggling or not I would always be there with her and I'd support her the whole way through, telling her how amazing, and strong, and absolutely fucking perfect she is.

Sometimes she would just have hard days, however she would sometimes have hard weeks or months, and it would absolutely break me to see her that way. She doesn't deserve to struggle like this, and it's just a reflection of how hardworking she is. She put her all into Game Of Thrones. Gwen put so much in that she's now permanently affected.  No matter how much if hurts me though, I never let her see it. She's going through enough and she doesn't need to carry around the guilt of me hurting, as it's definitely not her fault. Recently, Gwen has been having a rough couple of months.

Now, I am preparing mine and Gwen's meals; this is just so we have the same amount, as Gwen may try and add less to her portion. I trust her but it's just what is advised. I'd do it anytime though. If it makes this a slight bit easier for her, I'll do it every day for the rest of my life. Today is pasta and I know this is one of Gwendoline's main fear-foods, so I am very aware today is going to be hard for her. After setting the table in the dining room, I walk through to the living room to get my wife. As I enter the room I see her sat on the sofa hugging her knees, just staring at the wall.

I gently approach her, now wanting to startle her. While kneeling down to be on her level, my hand finds her arm and strokes it gently. She is then lulled out of her trance and looks over to me. "Hey Gwen, you okay?" I ask. She shrugs replying "as good as I can be I guess..". "Well when your ready, I'm about to plate the food". Her face falters slightly before she says "yeah alright I'll come now". The blonde stands up, as do I, and grabs my hand. I give her hand a little squeeze, signalling to her that its all going to be okay. Before even starting to make the food, I warned Gwen what was for dinner so she could prepare herself through the day.

Once I had plated the food and placed them in their respective places, I turned to Gwen and gave her a small, sad smile. She slowly walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist, planting her head into my chest/neck. "Its okay Gwen" I start, rubbing her back. "I know it's really hard, believe me I know. But you're doing so, so well. I am so proud of you love". She pulls away, nodding. We sit down at the table together and pick op our cutlery. Like every other day, our free hands meet under the table and cling onto one other. Gwen squeezes my hand slightly while she gathers some pasta on her fork.

Her grip tightens as she holds her fork up to her mouth. She looks over to me with a panic on her face as I'm picking up food with my fork. Once I'm done, I look over to her and nod at her reassuringly, seeing her anxious look. Her eyes become glassy as she brings the food to her mouth. I look away as she starts to eat her food, and I begin to eat mine. Knowing this is really big for her, I don't show how proud I am yet, as welling on it may overwhelm Gwen. "Can we talk?" She says shakily. "Of course Gwen.. what do you want to talk about. Anything specific? Random things?" I reply softly. "Anything" Gwen finishes in a high pitch voice. She draws in a sharp breath and holds it.

I look back over to her and see a stray tear falling down her face. Wiping it away I say "It's alright. You're doing really well. Just breathe". All she could do was shake her head, still holding her breath. "Come on it's okay. You're alright Gwen" I said while pulling her into a hug. A wavering breath finally escapes her mouth as my arms what around her. I hear her fork rattle against her plate and feel her arms around my waist. "I'm sorry" Gwen started, now crying. "I'm so so sorry. I'm such a fucking disappointment. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she whispered but loud enough for me to hear. I peeled her away from my body and took her face in my hands, getting her to look at me.

"No no no don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry, okay? You are doing so well. I am so proud of you Gwen. I know how hard this meal in particular is for you. But you absolutely smashed your last meal! That was a fear food and you were amazing. It's just baby steps at the minute Gwen, and that's completely fine! Baby steps are better than no steps. So now, lets just take our time. We can talk about anything you want. Whether it be work, interviews, we could plan something to do... anything Gwen!"

Gwendoline's pov
Y/n's voice was strong but gentle. Passionate but calm. Loving but sad. I was speechless. Not in a bad way, but not exactly in a good way. I just couldn't fathom any words at all. All I could do was nod. Her hands left my face and one made its way to my left hand. It squeezed my hand reassuringly once again, and calmness replaced the anxiety in the pit of my stomach. "Thank you" I said clearly, her passion still lingering around us. She lightly smiled at me. I don't deserve her. She makes me feel so loved. I am so lucky to have her.

"Can we try again, please?" I say calmly. "Yeah. Of course we can Gwen" she says, a proud look on her face. As I pick up my fork again, anxiety creeps up inside me. Despite my efforts, a slight anxious look made its way to my face. Y/n noticed this and said "remember, baby steps" soothingly. 'Baby steps' I thought to myself. I gathered small amounts of food on to my fork and, without hesitation, began to eat it. Slowly but surely, y/n and I finished our food. Just like she had promised, y/n made small and random but frequent conversations to keep my mind busy. This really helped me, a lot.

"Thank you so much for you're help today y/n. I know I've been a pain recently but I promise I'm trying. You never fail to make me feel loved and validated and cared for, and I absolutely cannot thank you enough. I love you always and forever". She then replies "you know I'll do it a million times over for you Gwen. I love you so so much, always and forever". She pulls me into another comforting embrace, and I know that as long as I have y/n, I'll be okay.

(A/N) I'm back loves! Sorry for the inactivity I've not been doing too good. I am going on holiday on Friday so I'll try and write before and during my holiday if I can! :)

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