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it was lunch time. you've passed your test after seeing Robin, and you nailed it. but billy and heather were not quitting your mind. images of them both together were haunting you. 

you arrived in the cafeteria and saw the hellfire club sitting at their usual table. you went to grab a bottle of water, you were not hungry at all. you looked up and saw Eddie talking and suddenly standing up on the table. what was he doing

"- fuck ! as long as you're into band, or science or ... parties, or a GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS !" he screamed the end looking at Jason across the cafeteria. 

jason was billy's friend, and you hated him. he was a real douchebag, a bully. you couldn't stand him. he stood up and tried to threaten Eddie. 

"- y'want something freak ?" he asked and you scoffed discreetly. 

Eddie replied by making a devil face at him with a weird little noise. you smiled at him and he caught your stare. he looked way more confident after that. Jason sat down and mumbled something under his breath. pathetic little boy

you went over to the Hellfire table and they were all too focused on Eddie's speech. 

"- it's forced conforming.

he chased some teachers while screaming and you laughed, coming closer.

"- that's what's killing the kids !" he then smiled at you and showed you the sit next to his. you sat there and he sat next to you. 

"- that's the real monster.

you giggled and opened up your bottle to drink. eddie was looking at you like you were the weirdest ever. 

"- what ?"

"- and what are you going to eat ?" he asked

"- I'm not hungry."

he stared at you and you quickly avoided his gaze. he knew, he listened to your song. he knew something was off when you refused to eat.

"- is it about billy ?" he asked in your ear.

you exhaled loudly and furrowed your eyebrows before turning your head to face him.

"- listen, Eddie, I'm fine." you said curtly and he analyzed your expression, trying to understand.

you took your bottle of water and stood up suddenly, walking towards the exit. you walked pass Jason and he smirked.

"- ooh, smile baby. Hargrove isn't going to like that." he said and you flipped the bird to him.

"- not surprising he chose heather." he said in your back, making his table laugh.

anger was coming right back in your head, you couldn't think straight. you were mad, mad at the entire universe. 

you turned around, throwing him your best death stare and walked towards him until you were inches apart from him. he looked surprised.

"- do I need to tell your little squad how small your dick is for you to shut the fuck up ? or do I need to destroy this long ass nose of yours too ?" you said while pointing his chest with your finger, making him scoff, embarrassed. 

"- that's what I thought, now stop acting like you're someone when you don't mean anything to anyone. asshole." you finally said.

he frowned and turned around to sit down and you turned your heels to escape the cafeteria. you heard someone push the door right after you and you went out of high school to lit a cigarette. 

you felt a hand on your shoulder and you growled before seeing Eddie's face. 

"- you crashed this motherfucker, my dear." he said resting his palms on his hips. 

you wanted to smile but you couldn't, you were still pretty much seeing red and even Eddie couldn't help with that. you wanted to know, you needed  to know. did billy really cheat on you ?

"- i do not want to add more to this already dark picture but ... everyone in Hawkins High is chatting about billy and heather being a "thing" now..." he said and you inhaled once more the smoke of your cig. 

"- billy would never do that." you replied in denial.

you looked up when you heard some very loud music blasting in a car. it was Rain by The Cult. here he was. you saw him park his Camaro now fixed, and get out with a cigarette between his lips. he had his same neutral expression. you felt relieved, like you could breathe again, until he got around the car to open up the passenger door. your heart stopped, your brain started turning again and again and your breath was now short. 

heather got out of the car and billy closed the door behind her. she was looking at him like he was a god, just like you used to. he put his arm around his shoulders and they walked past you, not even giving you a look. 

everyone was looking at them, and then staring at you. you felt your whole world crashing. how was it possible ? 

you felt the tears coming up and you ran away towards the woods while Eddie was trying to catch up on you. you let your tears fall, once more, because of billy. you couldn't see straight, you didn't even know where you were running to. 

so he really did it. he really cheated on you. with heather ? why her ? what did she have that you didn't ? you weren't enough. that's what you thought. and how is he able to act so casual about it ? that's the hardest, he doesn't even care.

you stopped running, exhausted, and threw your bag on the grass, trying to calm down. you were in the middle of the woods. you were all alone, and you tried to focus on something to breathe normally again. 

you finally calmed down and sat down, on the floor. you were feeling ... empty, now. no more tears, no more loud breaths, no more sobs. you were just devoid of all feelings. 

you looked at your watch. you were going to be late for class, and you didn't want everyone to see you were truly affected by what you saw. you needed to act like you didn't care at all, like everything was fine. 

you dried your cheeks and splashed some of your water on your face, trying to erase your recent sadness. you then stood up and walked towards the building, faking a neutral and emotionless face. 

when you got near the entrance, you saw billy getting in his car again, staring at you. you didn't even paid attention to him, even if you felt your heart breaking in your chest, and he started the car. you entered your class and sat next to Steve. 

the whispers all around you were invading your mind and your leg wouldn't stop shaking. 

"- don't listen to them, they're just bored with their miserable lives. tomorrow they will forget about it and just start to talk about which cheerleader got smashed by any random dude or about how excited they are for prom." Steve whispered.

you looked at him, and you crooked a smile the best you could. 

"- flirting with The Hair now, slut ?" someone said behind you. 

MEMORIES (billy/eddie)Where stories live. Discover now