Chapter 4: Recusing Them

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Ezra POV

"Ezra, come out come out where ever you are" I hear his sick little son Mikhail singing in a taunting way

I clamp my hand to my mouth to stop myself from making any noise "Ezra" he continues singing

I've never hated my name more than I do right in this moment. I'm only twelve what could he possibly want to do to me

"Found ya" he says, popping his head underneath the table I was hiding under

"No, please" I yelp but he just smiles and yanks me from my hiding spot

"Why would you hide from me? Alex wants to see you"

"No!" I yell, kicking as he drags me out of the room over to cell number six were Alex stays

"Don't you want to see your brother?" He ask

"No!" I yell, I would love to see Alex but he's just going to beat him like he always does

"Someone help me please!" I kick and scream. Begging, pleading for someone, anyone to help but just like always. No one ever comes

I wish I wasn't weak, I wish I wasn't helpless, I wish I could protect myself and Alex from these people.

My eyes shut tightly as the cell door wires open "Ez?" Alex ask, my nickname falling from his lips makes me smile sadly

"I'm so sorry Alex, I'm so sorry" Mikhail pulls me up while grabbing something from the ceiling and suddenly I start to dangle off the floor and my hands begin to hurt

Looking up I see he has restrained me to the ceiling, he then begins stalking towards Alex.

What kind of older sister am I? I can't even protect my little brother like I'm supposed too

Mikhail smiles a dark and twisted one before punching him in the stomach. Sending Alex crashing to the floor

He doesn't stop when my brother begs or cries, he just keeps punching and kicking until my brother becomes a bloody pulp.

I jump out of my sleep, grabbing my wrist as if I were tied up again.

No, God no. These dreams, nightmares or whatever they are have stopped. They stopped a while ago so why are they coming back to ruin me now? I don't want to reminisce of the past nor do I need to.

Throwing my cover off of me while reaching over to grab my phone to check the time. It's 11:11 a.m. I haven't heard any noise which means Freddy is still asleep which is odd because he's always up at the ass crack of dawn.

I get out of my bed and walk into the bathroom to use the toilet then brush my teeth. Once I'm finished doing everything, I walk out of my room to check my phone to see if Leonardo texted me the time he was coming over

While I checking my phone, I suddenly hear a knock on my door

"Come in" I say, knowing it's Freddy but when my door opens in the doorway stands Leonardo

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I came to explain" he says

"Okay well why are you here so early. Freddy could have seen you" I say, while getting back in bed

"Freddy's car isn't here therefore he's not here to see me. So I used my key and came on in" I nod and check my phone to see if Freddy texted

Whenever one of us leaves we first text 'later' or 'see ya' then throughout the time we're out we text each other every place we visited and how much longer until we get home but he hasn't texted me. He can't be that mad at me that he doesn't even do our thing, can he?

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