The Entity

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"Fury! We got something!" I opened the door to Fury's office. "What did you find Maria?" Fury turned to face me as I set the box on his desk. "You know who Ranboo is yes?" I asked opening the box. "I believe so yes..." Fury crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. "They found these on the outskirts of the city apparently they found it in an alleyway..." I explained. "What is it?" Fury asked. "Cassette tapes, they have that symbol from the holo-message spray-painted on them." I continued, showing him one of the tapes. "Yup, that's the symbol alright." Fury nodded as I handed him one of the tapes. "He also told me that we need to stay on guard apparently there's something after them as well..." I repeated the warning Ranboo had given me. After finishing with Fury I headed back home. 

The entire way back to my house I felt almost as if I was being watched, thankfully the feeling subsided once I got inside. "I'm back!" I called. "Mommy!" Skye smiled running up to me. "Hey, kiddo! How was kindergarten today?" I asked picking her up off the floor. "Kindergarten was great! I made a new friend!" Skye clapped. "That's amazing kiddo do you remember their name?" I asked. "Her name was Miss Becky! She's Ms. Storm's new student teacher and she's really nice." She smiled. "Well, that's good." I returned the six-year-old smile. "Hey, Mom how was your day?" Autumn greeted. "Good, how was high school today? Not too stressful I hope." I responded stepping into the living room. "Thankfully most of my homework should be actually feasible tonight." Autumn sighed. "Well, that's good to hear." I nodded

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