It Wasn't Fair

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"(y/n)! Levi! Please, come in," the commander said as you two entered. "Take a seat anywhere." You sat down next to Hanji who was ranting about Titans to Christa. You made sure to put Levi on the opposite side of them. You didn't wait very long until everyone was inside the room and commander Erwin began speaking.

"Thank you all for coming and willingly risking your lives for the sake of humanity. We appreciate all you do. But we must ask another favor of you. Today, this mission is going to be hard, and we will probably lose lots of soldiers, just like the last time we tried to head to Eren's basement." You looked over at Levi who was intently looking at the floor. He was thinking of Petra again. You felt so bad for him. Why did he have to endure such pain? It wasn't fair. If you could take that burden from Levi, you would feel very better. At least, for Levi.

"We depart soon," Commander Erwin continued. "And once again... We thank you all for what you do. Dismissed!" Levi and you stood, but he let go of your hand and told you to wait there as he went and talked to commander Erwin.

Levi's Point of View

"Sir, you wanted to see me?" I asked the commander. He nodded and stared into my eyes.

"Yes, I did. I wanted to apologize. I figured something wasn't right, although the way you so willingly went along with the story threw me off very much. Anyways, I apologize and I will not be releasing you any longer. But I will make sure Makishima never comes around ever again."

"Thank you, Commander." I paused. "There was something I wanted to talk to you about, too."


"Last night, I proposed marriage to (y/n), and now we are engaged. If we could possibly have a surprise wedding during lunch in the mess hall after the mission, I would be very grateful."

Erwin thought over his accusation. "Alright, that sounds fine. The wedding will be at lunch in the mess hall after the mission, and it will be a surprise to the other members of the Regiment." Erwin restated, letting me know he got all the information. "Now, let's go."

I walked back to (y/n) and grabbed her hand, walking outside to the stables. This was happening. There was no turning back, and there was only one thing I had to do - and that was protect her with my life. This wedding would happen, and she would not die an early death. Not if I could help it.

Never Let Me Go (Levi x Reader) LemonWhere stories live. Discover now