I Know You Want To

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As he kissed you, one hand went to your chin and the other your waist. He pushed your chin up and starting kissing your neck. You opened your neck wider for him as he started playfully nibbling it. You smiled and closed your eyes then placed your hands on his shoulders. Levi's free hand went to the middle of your back and his other hands slid down again, now at your butt. Your eyes fluttered open as you felt him lay you on the bed. Levi's mischevious, sexy smile spread across his face as he took off his clothes. You laughed.

"Didn't you just put your clothes on?" You asked him.

"I did, but wearing nothing feels much more comfortable." He responded looking at you after finishing taking everything off besides his underwear.

"You do have a point..." You said, smiling sensually at him while starting to take off your clothes. Levi stopped you when you started taking off your pants.

"I'm the Captain here, brat." He said, continuing where you stopped taking off your pants. After doing so, he threw himself on top of you and started carressing your sides. "Damn... You're so soft! Your skin feels like silk!" He bent his head to your side and gently kissed you up and down. You a let out a small groan of pleasure. Damn, he was good! You put a hand on the rim of your underwear and began pulling down. His hand landed on yours and helped you. You looked down and smiled at him, removing your hand, letting him finish. He threw your underwear across the room and put his face near your walls. His mischevious smile came back, and you saw his eyes close as his face came even closer. Then, you saw his tongue come out of his mouth and his head turn. You were overwhelmed. All of a sudden, your body was taken by even another feeling, and it was great but hard to handle.

Putting your hand in front of your opening and scooting back a little, you said, "Levi, I'm so sorry, but I don't know if I'm ready."

"Tch... Brat. Don't act like that. I always knew you liked me since the very first day. I know you want to..." Without asking, he moved your hand and thrust himself into you. It all happened in a second. You let out a loud moan, throwing your head back, but you were once again cut off by Levi putting a hand over your mouth. "What the hell's wrong with you? Are you trying to attract attention?" Levi removed his hand and put it on your side as he moved in and out of you slowly. You groaned again, but this time not as loud. He didn't seem to mind that time.

"N- No..." You replied, but that seemed to make him angry again.

"Oh, shut it! You must not know a retorical question when you hear one." It worried you, because you thought he was actually mad at you. But then he added, "You'll need to pay for that."

Never Let Me Go (Levi x Reader) LemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora