Humanity's Strongest Soldier

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"Makishima! Levi!" Erwin said. "Please! Come in!" Erwin moved out of the way so they could enter. Makishima nodded.

"Thank you, Commander." Makishima said. He entered and placed Levi in a chair, unbinding him. "I assume you're wondering where we were and what happened?"

"Uh, yes, I was."

"Well... This is hard to say, but I was walking down the hall heading to the cafeteria for dinner. I hear footstep quickly gaining on me, so I turn around to see Levi charging at me with a kitchen knife. I know... It's hard to believe. Humanity's strongest soldier... Gone insane!"

Erwin didn't believe his story for a second. "I know Corporal Levi. That is not something he would do. But I haven't known you for long... How can I trust you?"

"Ask Levi... He'll say so himself."

"Levi? Is this true?"

Levi hesitated, wanting to lie. But he knew your life was on the line. For you, he reluctantly said, "Yes. I did."

Makishima smiled at him, pleased with his answer. Erwin was dumbfounded. "Makishima..." He said. "Th... Thank you for telling me this. You are dismissed."

Makishima nodded and left. Erwin turned to Levi. "Levi... Why did you do such a thing?"

Worried that Makishima may be outside the door listening, Levi said, "I'm not sure. I don't know what overcame me. I just... Did. It was very quick and unexpected."

"I see... Well, I hate having to do this to you, but I'm gonna have to cut you off."

"What do you mean?"

"You will be allowed to participate in this last mission, but afterwards... You're going to the fields." Erwin shook his head. "I can't believe you're picking back up your past."

Never Let Me Go (Levi x Reader) LemonWhere stories live. Discover now