Boy At The Cafe - Rafe

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"Is this— is this seat taken?" an exhausted voice asked you while you were seated at a cafe.

"No, I'm here alone," you said with a smile. The man sat down, immediately sighing in relief.
Y/n's first thought was about how insanely attractive he was, but she internally scolded herself.

You haven't even met him for five seconds, get a grip Y/n. But you could not ignore his features. His golden tan, buzzcut hair and baby blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" you asked moments later, snapping out of your trance . "I have a bottle of water in my backpack if you want , you look like you've been through hell." Even with his face sweating and panting  - he looked gorgeous.

He looked startled, as if he wasn't used to strangers willingly talk to him. Or if he was hiding something.
He immediately started to stammer.

"I just didn't— sleep well. Woke up and realized I'm late to see my sister so I had to run. I swear I don't usually look this awful," he rambled on, and while you watched, you couldn't help but crack a smile. That didn't help him either. If anything, it only made him more confused as to why this beautiful girl was speaking to him.

"So you didn't have breakfast?" you prodded.

He shook his head, not wanting to speak more and embarrass himself.

"Then it's settled." You poured some of your tea from the teapot into an empty mug, careful not to drop the other cutlery on the floor. You could see your bus down the street, so you handed the mug over to him while you zipped your bag properly.

Which was probably the worst thing you could have done.

As he poured milk into his tea , Rafe heard the loudest car hooter in his life. He jumped in his seat, shaking his cup and all the tea went straight to the person on his left — you.

"Oh my God! ," he exclaimed while you yelped in surprise. The tea was still warm, but your jacket had taken most of the heat. Some still leaked through and stained your dress , but at least you weren't burnt.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine, it's fine, I just need a towel." You rummaged through your bag again, but there didn't seem to be anything useful.

"I can get you new clothes," Rafe said quickly.

"No it was just an accident - I'll just go home and clean up no need for you to buy anything," you explained.

"No I mean, I'm going to my sister's ," he explained. "It's the next stop and I'll only be a minute. She might be mad at me but atleast you won't be wearing the stained dress — which I'm so sorry about by the way."

"You live right here?"

"Yes. Uhm yes, the next stop. I said that part already, didn't I?"

"You did," you laughed. " I moved here about a week ago but why haven't I seen you before?"

"Well I don't exactly spend my time meeting girls at small cafes," he stated.

"That's a shame," you commented, shrugging. "Well, I don't have to be at my workplace for another hour so I'll take you up on the new dress offer . Only if you agree to show me around here . And let me buy you breakfast."

"Oh?" he blinked in surprise.

"You haven't had breakfast yet, right? You must be hungry."

"That's right, yeah," he tried a smile, one that didn't quite look as nervous  anymore. Just excited . He decided he liked your company. "Okay,  it's a deal."

He wondered if he looked as flustered as he felt. He wondered why he felt so warm and fuzzy inside.

Throughout the entire day, he took you around town, almost making him wanna twirl and giggle like a teenage boy again.

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