Shipwrecked - Rafe Cameron

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Your eyes narrowed slightly as you analyzed the blond figure towering in front of you, his forehead glistening from the heat. Your arms were crossed firmly across your chest, regretting ever agreeing to go on this boat trip with Rafe Cameron.

He had asked you to accompany him on his boat to find a specific type of fish he wants to catch passing through the waters near Outer Banks. He wants to find it because it is his father's favorite, and he wants to prove himself capable of catching it. He needed me to drive him while he was searching the rivers, and because I couldn't say no to those baby blues - I agreed to go.

The boat has now been stuck for the past hour now, and I  was slowly growing impatient with the speed he was going trying to repair it.
"Why didn't you ask your sisters for help? I'm sure you would have preferred to be stuck with them over me right now, I have no idea how to help," you questioned him, feeling helpless. Rafe was one of the most popular guys at your high school and you were initially surprised at his invitation in the first place.

"Oh but you are playing the most important role y/n, standing there looking pretty while handing me tools to fix this," he said while stopping for a moment looking up at you. You blushed as his comment as it caught you off guard.

Your relationship with Rafe wasn't always the best. He has always been annoying, selfish  and an idiot. A hot idiot; for that matter, which made it complicated to hate him. But lately he's been... different. From mutual teasings it has changed to him letting his eyes linger  on your lips for longer than usual.

You already knew it was probably one of the worst ideas he's ever had, and considering it's impulsive, spontaneous Rafe we're talking about... you just had to say yes and join him. The way he spoke was just so compelling making you want to hear more. And that was how the idiot had made it sound like an enjoyable proposition, a good weekend. A great idea.

Your thoughts were cut short by smoke coming out of the boat engine. "Well. I might have over estimated my abilities when it comes to fixing stuff, we're officially screwed for now until the engine cools down," he breathed out stepping back.

Rafe always had bad luck when it came to trying to do something nice for his father; every time Rafe tried to prove himself, it totally backfired. You couldn't help but feel bad for him. The both of you sat back down with nothing else that you could do for now until the engine cooled down.

"So, why exactly are you being such a nice son and catching a fish that, apparently, doesn't want to be caught, for your father?" You questioned him, handing him a bottle of water after he glared at you for not doing it as soon as he sat down.

"Because I uh, I screwed up, again." he admitted with a heavy sigh, taking a big gulp of water.

"So tell me, what did you do this time?" you asked while admiring his side profile, the way the sun hit his skin and his hair got messy by the wind.

"What didn't I do," his eyes were closed again, this time more of in a relaxed way, enjoying your company. This made you annoyed as you couldn't be home too late or your parents would be really mad at you. Instead he should be trying out other ways to fix the boat and not getting too comfortable - and you let it known by telling him.

"Wow y/n.. Are you that bothered to be alone with me that you're using that as an excuse? Am I that terrible that you want to get off this boat as soon as you can? Well you know what? Turns out I can't either," he retaliated, eyes becoming slightly watery.

I started to regret my remarks as I looked down feeling too ashamed to look him in his eyes. That's when he walked up to me, put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. It caught me by surprised, but I later gave in when I realized that this confused feeling I had towards him - was because I liked him.

He pulled away and told me his true intentions of this trip, "Y/n, being completely honest I wanted you to come today because I wanted to ask you out... I've liked you ever since we were little but I never had the courage to do it. So... What do you say?"

Before I could even fully process what he had told me, I said,



I'm finally back! Sorry I've been away for so long but the schedule will be weekly once again :)
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