"Oh! Yes it feels better! Plus I showered so the band aid had to come off, but it's better, It's not bleeding or hurting anymore! Thank you!" She said.

"That's good." He said gently letting her hand down, but not letting go of it. "When the sun fully goes down.... Lets sit for a bit and watch the stars together before we go home.. remember we'd lay back and make our own constellations based off what we saw?" He said.

"Oh yes! I remember! You came up with some wild ones back then." She giggled. "I remember you saw a snake pattern in the stars and named it Aoda."

"You remember that?" He chuckled. "That was so long ago."

"Yup! And I called one of my patterns which looked like a slug, Katsuyu." She laughed again.

".... I wonder if I look up tonight will I see something that reminds me of my parents at all." He said looking up that the colorful sky. Sakura's smile turned a bit sad as she looked at Sasuke. Scooting closer to him, he brought their hands which were intertwined together on this thigh to rest as she got closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure there will be one you can find. It'll represent how they're always watching over you, even while they're gone."

"Do you...do you think they've forgiven me yet?" He asked looking down at Sakura. She could see the sadness in his eyes, and it broke her heart seeing it. She wanted nothing but to wipe it all away for him. "I don't think they needed to, because they've never blamed you. You've done nothing wrong to make them forgive you."

"Yeah...." Sasuke muttered lowly.

Sakura really wanted to comfort him, but she had no clue of how, all she could do was hold his hand tightly and stay leaning on his shoulder. Hopefully him knowing she's here with him, physically would help him.

"Look, the stars are starting to show." She pointed out looking up at the sky. He did the same watching as the stars began peeking through clouds which were beginning to disappear.

When the night took over, both Sasuke and Sakura laid back on the dock together, watching the stars, pointing out different patterns, laughing at the crazy names they came up with.

"Look that one looks like a horse shoe." Sakura giggled.

"Of all things, a horse shoe is what you point out?" Sasuke says.

"What?! That's what it looks like!"

"Yeah sure Haruno." He said.

"Well what about that one! It looks like a heart." Sakura said. "I'll call it the love constellation." She smiled. "Hopefully whenever two people find it and view it together it'll mean they're both meant to be and in love, almost like a clarification that they've found their soulmate." She said as Sasuke turned to look at her. He noticed the subtle redness of her cheeks and how her hand got clammy again in his hand.

He wondered... "Sakura-"

"Sasuke! Look! At that one!" She cut him off, excitedly she sat up. "Look that one could be your parents... it looks like two people's hands reaching out together! That could be them! Gently watching over you." Sakura said turning to look at him.

His eyes were glossing over looking at what Sakura pointed out. He didn't want to cry in front of her, he told himself he didn't want to cry anymore, but that star pattern did look like two hands holding out to them, and he connected it with his parents, and it makes him believe they still loved him.

"Lets call it the Mikoto and Fugaku constellation.. whenever it finds you, it means your parents are with you." Sakura said as Sasuke sat up.

"Thank you Sakura" he spoke as he stood up.

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