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Everyone sat around waiting for the new guest arrive just as a portal opens up. Neveah hears a familiar child's scream as she sees Jaimie falling from the portal before rushing over and catches her niece in her arms as they other guests fall to the ground with a thud.

"Ow!" A female voice is heard

"What the hell!" A males voice is heard

"Ahhh!"the others screamd as they fell.

The people in a pile on the ground groans before they all slowly unravel from each other as they slowly stand up stumbling on the way.

They look around confused before one of the females notice Jamie and neveah as a smile Grace's her face"Jamie! Neveah!"as she rushed over pulling them into a tight hug while the others were confused.

Neveah then notice a certain boy who broke Rachel's heart as she heatedly glares at him and the other girl that was clingy to his arm.

Stefan was confused on who these people were as he stands up"wait who are all of you" he asked

Nobody steps forward first before the one neveah was glaring at decided to step forward first"well I'm Brady"he introduced him self.

Neveah's scoffs with a glare"also know as a cheating bastard"she hisses causing Brady to step back in fear remembering the last time she was angry with him.

The blonde headed girl then steps forward"I'm Kelly"she introduced her self.

Another young mang walks forward"I'm wade"

Then the last man introduced him self "and I'm tommy"

Neveah then looks down at her niece in her arms as she hide in her neck shyly before she gently justled her causing Jamie to look up at her aunt."why don't you intrudce your self honey "she whispered to the little girl.

The little girl looks up from her aunt's shoulder "I'm..Jamie Lloyd "she says shyly causing Laurie to look at the little girl wide eyed before they soften as neveah looks at her sister with sympathy. This action didn't go unoticed by the Mikealsons as they share a look.

Soon the women from before appears with a flash"I see that y'all have been introduced now we get start the next part now please take a seat and there is a room for those who won't be able to handle the blood and gore now let us start shall we."she informed before disappearing in a flash of light.

Soon the lights dim as the screen meaning it was time as they each took a seat.

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