There's a few moments of silence. Then a loud bang. Another loud noise as the body drops to the floor just outside of the metal door. The three of us are staring at the door. Hands on our ears. Knees to our chests. Waiting. 

A click. 

The handle moves. 

The door opens.

I scramble to my feet, fast - too fast that I almost fall back down again. I don't. I run towards him. I throw myself at him for the second time. He catches me. One hand holding me, the other resting against me. That must be holding the gun. I don't care.

I throw myself at Ryan as though he is the only solid thing in the world. I might be crying. Or screaming. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if this is even real. "Are you here?" I whisper into his neck. He's shaking. I can feel his own body shaking against mine. I'm not sure whether it is adrenaline or fear or anger but he holds me still. 

"I'm here," He cooes. "I'm here," He repeats, softer. Gentle. 

A sound escapes me. A whimper. "You're real," I realise. 

Home. Safe. I was safe. 

Ryan lets out a shaky breathe. "I am. You're going to be okay," He tells me. I believe him. I was going to be okay. We hadn't escaped yet, but I believe him. He'd get me - us - out of here. 

I pull away. I step back. My eyes meet his brown ones. He's watching me. Staring at me. He's staring as if he's worried I might vanish. There's fear in his eyes. His usual cockiness, and steady gaze, is gone. 

I say nothing. I turn to look at the two girls who had both scrambled to their feet. "You ready?" I ask them, faking confidence. 

They nod. Silent. 

"Let's go," Ryan reaches for my hand. His fingers link with mine. I let him. I hold his hand. He drags me down the hallway after sparing me a short glance - making sure that this was okay, him holding my hand like this. It was. It was more than okay. 

We ran. He lead. Jade and Elizabeth followed. There were still gunshots around us in different rooms. There was women helping other girls out of their rooms - cages - and I was thankful that he'd made sure to help all of us, not just me. 

I know if it had been Wayne - he'd have focused on me before anyone else - he wouldn't have been smart about it. His love for me would have blind sided that. 

Ryan didn't love me. 

Nobody spoke until we got outside. It was just as dark outside as it had been inside. I couldn't see where we where. I didn't care. I clung to him - Ryan - as though I was afraid that I might be dreaming. I didn't want to wake up from this. 

Ryan clung to me too. Comforting me as he opened a door to a vehicle. He ushered me in, then helped in Jade and Elizabeth. Then, he got into the drivers seat and began driving. Nobody bothered with their seat belts. The engine roared. The wheels screeched against the floor. Jade and Elizabeth held one another, panting. Crying. 

I looked outside of my window. Fields. Trees. We were in the middle of fucking no-where. I couldn't think. I was too tired. And for the first time in months, I felt comfortable enough to sleep. The darkness took over my entire body soon enough. My eyes fluttering shut. My body relaxing into the cold seat. 

The Devil And His Mistake (18+)Where stories live. Discover now