Part Nine

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Chapter Seventeen 

   I had tried to convince, seduce and beg Wayne to give me more than his mouth or his fingers, but he had denied my advances. I'd gone to bed last night, embarrassed and upset. I had no idea why he didn't want to sleep with me, but he was happy doing everything but that. 

  My nightmares last night had consisted of happy memories of my past sister, all of the memories ended in her melting before me, disappearing into nothing but a liquid of our past together. 

  Now, I was sitting beside Wayne at a meeting. "I think that it would be best for everyone involved if we wrote an agreement for this," I spoke out, and the man across the table glared at me in disdain and disgust. 

  Raising my brow, I sent a tiny smirk his way, just to fuel his annoyance of course. "Why don't you leave this to the men, sweetheart." His voice was almost as high as my own and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. 

  I felt Wayne shift beside me. "Miss Rose," I corrected, sitting tall. "Not Lillie, or sweetheart, or darling." I glanced between each of the men who had called me these three names. They wouldn't call Wayne by his first name, so why should I allow them to do so with me? My voice was stern and terrifyingly calm. 

  Wayne's eyes were on me. I could feel them burning into me. "So, the next time you speak to me, address me with the respect you would any man in this business," I ordered, willing my voice to sound harsher. It didn't come naturally for me to sound intimidating, but I had to.

  I couldn't be that calm, obedient little girl that I had been a couple of weeks ago. Not by the side of the most powerful man in England - I had to protect myself.  I wasn't his slave, I wasn't his secretary or his assistant, I was going to be his fucking wife. Real or not. I, Lillie Rose, was going to become Lillie Williams

  I had to start acting like it. "I'd be careful how you speak to me, sweetheart." The man before me finally scoffed, glancing at the men to his left and his right. I scowled at him. 

  My lips parted, but I didn't get to respond. "I'd be careful how you speak to my fiancee," Wayne spoke, his voice monopolized with power and authority, his tone dripping with danger and uncompromising threat. 

  The man's face dropped at that. No one knew about our arrangement, nobody really knew that we were soon to be married. Now, now people would know. This would get out - It wouldn't take long for the news to be everywhere. 

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Williams." His voice was shaking with fear. "I didn't know." He added, dipping his head down in respect. 

  My eyes flickered to my side, finding Wayne staring across at the shrinking man. His jaw was sharp and his face was hard. His caramel eyes swirled with disgust and annoyance. "I'm not the one that you should be apologizing to." He growled his response.  

   I smirked and watched as the man turned to look at me, fear in those arrogant eyes now. What a fucking fool. "I'll spare you the shame, shall I?" I tilted my head to the side, my lips tugging upwards. He looked confused at my question. "I think we're done here?" I asked Wayne, not taking my eyes off the tiny man across the table. 

   "It's your decision, my love." He purred beside me and my heart faltered at those two words of endearment. He had called me baby before, and Lil, but that one was new. 

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