Part Twelve

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Chapter Twenty-Five


My brother was standing before me, my office seemed smaller than it usually did. "I'm just saying, you don't seem as happy as I thought you would be," My brother's youthful gaze is searching my face. I couldn't help but think about Lillie, about what I was doing to her, I'd fucked up. 

  I hadn't meant for it to get this far. "Nothing has happened yet, Ry," Is all I say, offering my younger brother a small smile. It was true,  we hadn't achieved anything yet. A small part of me was happy about that. I had no idea what I planned to do with her, Lillie.  At first, I wanted to use her, to eventually hurt her to lure Chris out but... 

  I couldn't make myself do that, not now. "I know you're lying to me," Ryan took a step closer to my desk, placing both hands flat against the expensive marble. "My question is: Are you lying to yourself because you can't see past Lillie?" His tone was low. Deadly. 

  As much as I loved my brother, the sound of her name on his lips made me sick to my stomach. Her deep, brown eyes are flashing across my mind. The trust and the hopefulness that lingers in them whenever she looks at me. I look down at my desk, trying to remain calm. "Get out," Is all that I say. 

  I don't recognize my own voice as it meets my ears. "Wayn-", my brother tried. 

Before I knew what I was doing, I'd risen to my feet, my eyes meeting his. Ryan took a step back almost immediately as if he'd seen a bomb explode before him. "Get. Out." I gritted, containing my anger the best that I could. 

  Ryan dipped his head in understanding and respect. My brother turned and left without another word. I shut my eyes as soon as the door closed behind him. My blood was boiling with fury and rage. I'd waited my whole life for this moment, to have Christopher in the palms of my hands, and now that it was here. 

  She'd fucking ruined everything. 

 My little fucking mistake

  I allowed my body to crash back into my chair, my head falling back against the headrest. Her eyes. Her scent. Her smile. Her laugh. Her moans. She'd taken over my entire conscience. She'd taken over my entire fucking being. 

 Lille Rose was supposed to be a pawn in my game. She was supposed to be the key to my revenge. She was supposed to be nothing. She was supposed to be no one.

  But she was everything. She haunted me in the best way possible. I should have kept her at arm's length, my beautiful mistake. I should feel nothing for her. I never expected her. I never expected to feel these things for her, I'd never cared for a woman before. 

I'd started to believe that I didn't have a heart, it hadn't felt in so long. Until recently. Until her

 My elbows landed on my desk and my face fell into my palms. "Fuck," I whispered. The monopolising realization settled deep into my chest. I didn't deserve her, and when she found out that I had been using her, that I had lied to her... She would finally see me how I see myself. 

  "Fuck," I repeated, softly. 

  Fuck, indeed. 


  Chapter Twenty-Six

I'd spent hours at my desk, reading emails and replying to emails. I needed a break. "You know, I just realized something," I spoke, standing in his doorway. Wayne looked up at me with distant eyes. I swallowed. 

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