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In this essay series I hope to uncover for you the nature of good and bad communication activities, and then show what communication activities will counteract the degrading, ground losing, communication activities. I also hope to provide some of the information needed to elevate your emotional state to that of a warring good communicator ready and willing to tip the scales against a bad communicator in a social influence competition when necessary.

We've all experienced leadership; some good some bad, primarily if we are young, in our parenting and schooling. The dominance of bad leadership may have left you with a negative opinion of this role or a lack of understanding of both what good leadership looks like and how to take the lead, in a group and self-enhancing manner. While this series of essays is not supposed to be the end I hope it may be a considerable step along the road to you reclaiming your right to spiritual leadership, both as a follower demanding better leadership and as a practitioner getting better at leading yourself and others; increasing your ability to make your time on earth valuable, for yourself, and for others when you find yourself able to help in a group setting.

Masters of Enlightenment (a term I am using to define the ideal both fictional and historically great/near ideal practitioners) are an eternal order of benefit giving communicators, watched over and supported by the universes creator consciousness, the most enlightened mind: who warns humanity against heeding the reversed opposing advice of the masters of darkness an unethical order of trickster communicators, spiritually overseen and supported by the dark lord who has many names and titles over the world and is described in the bible by Jesus as

"a liar." John 8:44

Good vs. Evil is in large part a battle of truth vs lies.

I would like to help today's would be Masters of enlightenment, to expand and develop proficiency and so have dedicated myself to honing this manual to help advance the training of future masters of the light.

Coming into harmony with truth is the essence of: Spirituality, the science of harmony with god/ life /the universe at its most fundamental or the science eternal of success.

The aim of this series of essays is to help equip those who want to be ethical communicators - better champions of truth, and to provide an introduction and introductory training course for these would be Masters of Enlightenment, helping them to become able to courageously win victories for the truth and push back the boundaries of darkness in the areas that matter most for them, and their allies & circle of concern. By doing this I hope to help energise a modern Masters of the Light movement that will help to build this generation's champions of truth. If through their activities some like Galileo leave a strong outpost of truth that shines down its benefit into a future generation, serving as an example of beneficial leadership via enlightenment to others I will have been of some enduring benefit in this epic spiritual battle that runs or rages throughout history's millennial ages and is equal to or supersedes in importance level many dogma battles of established religions.

In these essays I seek to

Outline my theory and principles with clarity.

Provide some homework exercises to aid you in applying the principles in real life.

And encapsulate principles and theory in stories and illustrations to aid memory and understanding.


Men = men and women unless otherwise indicated.

For Bible references: Luke 16:13 refers to Book of Luke, chapter 16, and verse 13.

In this text I use bible references because it is through the bible that I discovered the spiritual concepts such as unconditional love, but to understand that to mix compassion with the political sciences enhances its usefulness to self-interested groups does not need the Christian faith; nor is it only religious people who are able to deploy compassionate strategies through their politics, compassionate political principles and their application are a universal phenomenon. In some areas and times and I think especially as we move to several millennia since most of the major religions prophets gave their utterances, sometimes the non-religious philosophers are actually better able to channel a humane and compassionate spirit for their age than the clerics, who may get bogged down in the interpretation of the ancient utterances which though relevant and fresh at the time may not be the cutting edge of compassionate thinking today though doubtless some principles remain relevant if they can be properly extracted balanced against each other and reapplied to modern situations. From experience I realise this is no easy thing to do and even in the time immediately following their earthly ministry let alone several thousand years later there was controversy amongst their followers, most prophets were the thought modernisers of their times as the mind of god lives in the present time not the past. Most clerics do not attempt to change the political landscape as did their founding fathers. Self-belief was high in the founding fathers who had to believe they had grasped the ancient principles and could engage in an incisive reapplication and expansion of them to current situations which were now so far removed as to require a refounding of the ancient intellectual platform.  

(LVD 0)  General Introduction to the Spiritual Enlightenment ManualsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant