"Lightly coughing my ass"

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*Beep* *Beep*

Your pov

Another morning, another day of school or as me and my friend (Natrix) -yes I would love to be your friend in this story- like to call it, the living hell for 6 hours a day. It is unbearable. Teacher's shouting at us for talking in class, staring at my crush, skipping my least favorite lesson, getting scolded by the teachers and then staring at my crush again until they let us leave. A normal schedule for the both of us is when we get to FaceTime on Friday and over the weekend without leaving our beds for nothing except food and the bathroom. Such a dream.

Speaking of Friday, that's today. So instead of me sitting in bed, talking to myself. It's not like this is a main character story that people are reading right now. There's nothing interesting about my life. - For now...- Let me get my uniform.

<Time skip to when you get to school>

"_______!" the ever so familiar voice rings through my ears as I enter the school gates. "Wait up." I continue to walk, Natrix can use her legs, she can catch up with me. "Bitch, I said stop!" She shouts from a couple feet behind me. "What's wrong with your attitude this morning Trix, fell out of bed when you woke up?" I say jokingly. I always called her Trix, ever since we were young, we've known each other for 10 years and we really got use to being called weird nicknames.

"Yes actually," she says, panting from the breath loss she was experiencing, "and it hurt." "I'm sorry, but can you stop breathing like that. First of all, you are breathing in my face, secondly you sound like a dying goose," I say, I didn't lie to her though. I was only speaking the truth. "Hold up," she says getting ready to remake an extremely poor attempt of a movie betrayal. " ~dramatic gasp~ how could y-!" She screamed but breaking down into a choking fit on the floor before she could finish.

"Get up you little shit," I whisper, people stared at us like we were aliens from another planet, "you're making a scene about it, it's embarrassing." Everyone looked between each other, not knowing whether to be more concerned with the girl that's having a choking fit on the floor or me that has no idea how we both got into the situation, either way Natrix soon got up as her crush walked past the area.

"Do you think they saw me while I was lightly coughing?" She said, fixing her hair and outfit before staring back towards where they walked away. "Lightly coughing?" I ask, if that was light what's a choking fit to her? " Yea" she replies. "Lightly coughing my ass bitch, you sounded like you were dying," I say.

"Shush, now come on the bell's about to ring and we have the strict biology teacher today," she mentions, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards where our science classroom is, this is going to be a long day.

(Short chapter next one will be longer)

• 𝐎𝐫𝐞𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 • 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now