Going to the lab

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Aizawa pov

So problem child said he had to show me his lab, idk why he didn't show me earlier. Anyways it is after school and we head to the cabin, I have seen the new part being built. It has a blue tarp over it but you can still tell, and he told me how he gets the wood for the cabin. It is legal I can say that. Anyways we in the cabin, I kind of expected him to have an underground lab like others but he just got a measuring tape.

"How tall are you, I need to know?" A strange ask but I gave him my hight.

"Ok, now time too add your height in the system," why did he need to add my heigh in the system.

"Next I will need to take a picture so it can scan to see if you are really Aizawa," he took a quick picture and did some programming.

"Now that you are an invited guest you can come in and out of the lab without triggering the security protocols," interesting. He told me to follow him and we walked for a few minutes and I saw a beautiful sight.

"Alright we need to go behind the waterfall," we walked over there and I saw nothing in particular until he stepped on a noticeable stone and it did some sort of scan on him

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"Alright we need to go behind the waterfall," we walked over there and I saw nothing in particular until he stepped on a noticeable stone and it did some sort of scan on him.

"You do the same and the door will let you in," I stepped on the stone and it did the same scan thing on me. The door opened without problem, good I didn't want to have any problems getting in and out. I stepped in and saw something I did not expect.

What are these flowers?

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What are these flowers?

"The plants are named mancoule, they are all over the forest and seem to have something different about their genetic make up so I am studying them. They are in optimal condition and they are in many other areas of the forest," he seemed to read my mind.

"You can explore the place, there is an observatory that has windows and security cameras, you literally can observe anything in this place even outside," he stayed in the front hall and I walked in a hallway

"You can explore the place, there is an observatory that has windows and security cameras, you literally can observe anything in this place even outside," he stayed in the front hall and I walked in a hallway

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