" P-Princess... Don't die on me p-please, Eri.. " He begged as took some clean cloth and dashes through the living room to check his wife, " Uraraka-san, our baby she's- "

Another horrified scream came out of him seeing her all bloody clothes near from her stomach looking like a lifeless corpse, he goes down and approach her while holding their baby. Image of her sitting down as she leans on the wall like someone just tortured, or worse raping her in that spot. He began to grief for both the baby and his wife, confused and in deep despair while his trembling hands instinctively calls the emergency number for help.

" N-No please... Don't die on me too, p-please.. " Deku put the phone on his ear as he removed his long sleeves to cover any injuries that bleeds from Uraraka's body, " Come on pick the goddamn call! "

No one answered.

He started hyperventilating as he flinched with Uraraka gripping his hand with a glare with a monotone voice, " Why did you leave me.. "

" I-I didn't.. I l-love you so m-much Uraraka-san.. a-and I promise to m-m-myself I won't l-let you go again.. " Deku stuttered and couldn't move a muscle with both of their corpses started standing up and walk slowly towards him.

" Why did you leave us.. " repeated by the dead mother and child in front of him which he backs away seeing them move, he was traumatized while his dead daughter and wife approached slowly as tears of blood dripping in their cheeks, " Why you didn't do anything for us.. "

" AHHHHHHHHH! " He screamed in horror and guilt.









Awaken from another nightmare,

It was the third time he encountered this dream from his lonesome couch in his apartment, he was sweating all over his body as thunder roars in a stormy night. He gripped his hair from frustration while curling up into his messy bed and guilt crawls back through his body, the same nightmare he's been going through after Kirishima revealing about Uraraka being pregnant with his baby just few days ago.

He couldn't eat and couldn't go back to work with his mental condition, luckily Mr. All Might was considerate to take his time before going back for the project series. He let out a heavy sigh and wiped all the tears away from the nightmare he has been experiencing all night.

" What time is it.. " He thought to himself and looked to his phone almost dead battery.

It's two in the morning.

He began to change his clothing to casual and began to drive to the hospital where Uraraka is staying, he parked on the nearest entrance door and began speeding up his walk to approach the nurse.

" Hello sir, how am I help you? " The nurse asked as Deku looked down.

" I'm here to visit Ochako Uraraka.. " His voiced were hoarse and dry.

" That will be... " The nurse typed on the computer with a reply, " On fifth floor, room 511.. "

" Thank you.. " He simply responded but before he was stopped with the nurse's question.

" What is your relationship with the patient, sir? " She looked at the tired Deku who turns around looking back at her coldly.

" I'm the father of her child.. " He replied with sad in his eyes, finally left to take the elevator.

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