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A strange crackling and whistling noise woke Cas from a strange dream. He was dreaming of his brothers and sisters bursting into blue flame and flying away as small white birds. Cas tried to join them, but when his body burned away he had a red string tied to his foot, tethering him to the ground. He fought with it as he fluttered to reach his family, but when the string snapped, he didn't feel free. He felt lost.

Castiel's eyes snapped open when the noises became too loud to ignore. The first thing he noticed was that he was falling. The second was that a stream of grace was crackling loudly as it trailed behind his body in a spectacular ray of blue light. Normally his grace clung tight to him inside his vessel, but something was seriously wrong. A force inside him had suddenly lost its pull, or it was just... gone.

He was hurdling head first towards the Earth, clouds shooting past him and covering Castiel in a hissing layer of dew, which boiled into vapor in a matter of seconds. He reached towards the trail of grace and tried to grab it, but it slipped through his fingers like sand, sparkling and burning his skin.

He looked down at the world below him, and noticed his reflection on the surface of the lake that was quickly growing larger. It was beautiful. The sky has never been so filled with stars, and he saw himself, a beam of light, highlighting the silver clouds with a crown of blue light. His eyes were burning and bleeding grace, which was quickly leaving through his fingertips and where his wings should have been. The light was quickly fading, the last wisps of angelic power burned a dull purple in the palms of his hands.

Then his face touched the water, and the light was gone.


Castiel propped himself up on his knees, strangely on solid ground, and could see nothing but white vapor surrounding him. It was a lake, a moment ago, but now it was an empty crater in the ground, charred in the area where Castiel kneeled. He was tired. All he wanted was to be safe in the bunker with Sam and Dean. He would go find them. Castiel stood up, but his legs didn't cooperate, and he went right back down, laying in a bed of soft ashes.

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