3: Sick Of It

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Chapter Three

"Whooo!" I cheered as I met the gang at Damon's car. "Myrtle Beach, here we come."

"This is not a vacation," Damon scolded me.

"Yes, it is," I laughed. "Road-trip with my favorite people. Heading to the beach? We can say drink, Damon."

"Cut her some slack, she was being super mom all summer while we were drinking our way through Europe," Alaric said.

"Just get in the car," Damon grumbled.

Bonnie and I hopped in the back while the two men were upfront. "How exactly are we going to find this person? We don't even know what he looks like," Bonnie said.

"Donovan checked Lily's phone records, we have the guy pinpointed to a specific hotel."

"That Phoenix Stone that I touched yesterday... you did destroy it like you promised me, correct?" Bonnie asked as soon as Damon was pulling off onto the road to leave campus.

"Why? What happened?" Ric asked instead of answering.

I frowned, adjusting myself and keeping my red tank top tucked under my high waisted black denim shorts. I was ready for some sunshine and some liquor. Unlike my trip to New York, I planned to have more fun today. No drama, no baby, no arguing with my husband. Just a girl out with her friends.

"I just had another vision back in my dorm. A flash of horrified people with x-shaped wounds on their skin. And, when I opened my eyes, ten minutes had gone by," Bonnie said.

"The stone's gone," Alaric replied, squirming in the front seat. "I, you know, watched in dissolve in hydrofluoric acid."

"You're positive?"

"Bonnie, the stone's gone," Ric scoffed in disbelief that she was second guessing him.

"Hey, kitten, where's that husband of yours?" Damon changed the subject.

I pursed my lips, glaring at the back of Alaric's head. I didn't believe him. He was lying. His heart was racing and every move he made was twitching with guilt. But I said no drama.

"He's to call me when he's within hearing range for Lily. We're set to argue about my whereabouts and my choice in company. I'm asking for space. That's the story," I shrugged.

"And how is that going to help Caroline?" My friend beside me questioned.

"Stefan lays on the charm, he asks for a Caroline back and he gets her. Trust me, he can be persuasive. Think of how everyone in this car hated him at some point and forgave him."

Bonnie hummed, "let's hope it's that easy."


"Okay, so... what's the plan?" Alaric asked as we headed down the hall to the hotel room, Damon sleuthed the heretic was in with a little compulsion.

"Okay, fair trade. One Heretic in good condition for the coffin housing Elena," Damon said.

"No, I meant the plan where we try to capture a powerful Heretic who'd prefer we were dead."

"Easy!" Damon rejoiced, gesturing to Bonnie with a wave of his hand. "B-Town stuns him with magic, you shoot him with vervain, I—" he clicked his tongue, "snap his neck. Kenzie is backup in case something goes wrong."

"Yeah, but after we get him to siphon away my visions," Bonnie said.

"Wait, what?" Alaric frowned.

Bonnie simply shrugged, lWell, the visions are magic. He's a Siphon. It's worth a shot, right?"

Kenzie Gilbert: The Possessive Twin (7)Where stories live. Discover now