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italics is narrated
Bold is messages
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kat's preview-

when kat was 11 years old she went on a family vacation to sandals, Jamaica.

she quickly figured out she hated the ocean, but fuckin loved virgin piña coladas.

up until that moment kat had a relatively good life.

life wasn't amazing but it's not like she fantasized about killing herself. it was good enough. she was popular enough, smart enough.

the only thing that was like, actually amazing was daniel.

daniel was like a dream, gorgeous, really nice, the kind of boy that would text her every night before bed and say 'sweet dreams'.

he was the kind of boy that would meet her outside school every morning just to make sure he could hold her hand as they walked down the hall.

she could never figure of why daniel chose her, what daniel actually liked or loved about her. she just knew if felt really good.

during her eight day stay on that stupid island, kat drank 72 virgin piña coladas.

she was in heaven, until she got home.

when kat had left for jamaica she was 107 pounds, when she returned, she weighed in as a whopping... 127 pounds.

despite being 5'2 which was tall for her age. her body was not prepared to house the extra 20 pounds.

it was noticeable.

kat did her best to minimize the fallout.

at least daniel didn't make a big deal out of it.

that's why she liked him.

he didn't care about what people thought . he liked her for whatever reasons he liked her, and 20 stupid pounds would never change that.

until 4th period. she got a note tossed onto her desk and it read 'im breaking up with you. love, daniel'

it wasn't even in daniels handwriting.

it was some bitch named kendra sutherland who wrote it for him.

whatever, fuck her, fuck him. she didn't actually love daniel. she was 11.

where your 11 you fall in love with like everyone and everything. it's not real love. real love is when you can't exist without someone, when you'd rather die then be apart, the whole world goes dark and nothing else matter but the person standing in front of you.

                                  (Serenity point of view)

"ugh kat doesn't even have asthma, she just fat and doesn't want to exercise." some girl talks. it's not even that hard for her to be complaining she's just stretching her arms.

everyone who heard her which is almost the whole PE class laughs.

everyone but me.

"shut the fuck up Stephane" i walk close to her making sure she knows it's me who said that.

"if she says she has asthma, who are you to disagree?" i asked her while she stopped laughing.

"look at her she just doesn't want to exercise." she tries to make me 'understand' what she's saying.

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