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Italics is narrated
Bold is messages
                                         (Ashtray pov)
"what are you making." she asked me peering into the handheld cart thing i was holding.whatever the fuck it was.

"soup, my brother has me get the stuff and make it cause he's sick." i said.

"i hate getting sick i'm always crying when i'm sick." she said and laughed lightly.

"i don't really get sick, and even when i am i just keep busy so ion know." i responded

Fezco sent me to the store to get all the stuff and he sent me a recipe and video of what to get and how to make it. cause he wanted homemade chicken soup.i don't fucking know why. i can't cook. or make soup if that's the same thing i'm not even sure.

"you look extremely lost i'm not gonna lie." she told me.

"yeah i can't cook for shit. i have no idea why he's making me cook it for him." i admit

"do you know what caldo de pollo is have you ever had it?" she asked me. what the fuck was 'car do tay polo?' i know i'm not pronouncing it right

"um no i never have." i honestly told her i mean what is she gonna do judge me for it?

"i can make you some instead of you not knowing what your doing. it's my favorite soup and i'm sure you'll love it. do you like Mexican food?" she asked me fuck yeah.

Mexicans are so fucking lucky they have the best food there is. i mean all us whites where known for was unseasoned food. which by the way wasn't all white people. i used seasoning i always overdid it but never have i something unseasoned.

"if it's not a problem im down to try it." i told her i wouldn't want her to go out her way to make it if it's too much for her.

"no it's not a problem, you work at the gas station right i'll just take it there around like 1 no later then 2 cause im busy then. is that fine." she asked me. yeah i mean i should be thankful. but i can't help but be curious about what she was busy doing at two.

"no i don't work at the gas station i own it." i let her know.

"really? at your age? your 17 right and you own a gas station. that's really impressing. compared to most teens only care about there plan for the next 5 to 10 years. your already planning your future i respect that." she said.

it was nice that she didn't judge or anything. based on my appearance many people think my future consist of me being in jail serving time.

she doesn't:

i like that.

"yeah we'll it was passed down from my grandma, but are you sure. if your busy i rather you not be stressed." i told her making sure she knows she doesn't have to.

"yeah it's fine i can make it. i don't mind." she said.

"okay well what do you need me to get for it."
i asked her cause i'm not sure if she has the stuff and i rather pay her some way. i'll just buy the stuff and she can make it.

"it's fine, i'll get everything for it." she told me .
after arguing and following her the store we finally walk out after paying we took like an hour cause she had to get groceries for her house.

we argued over who was gonna pay for the soup stuff she argued it was the least she could do cause she felt bad my brother was sick, she said she hopes he feels better. i told her i should pay for it cause it's what i came for, plus she was going out her way to make it for me and my sick brother.

i ended up paying for it cause she felt bad for me 'waiting' for her when i wasn't going to buy anything. when in reality i didn't mind chilling.

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