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italics narrated
Bold is messages
                                   (Serenity point of view)
wake up, wake up, wake up, please just let me wake up.

i open my eyes and look around my room, i tried will as much strength i have in me to move my leg, arm, or head but couldn't.

get out, let me get up.

i saw something coming from the door of my room. a shadow, a man. why doesn't he leave me alone. i close my eyes and just repeat the same thing that usually works and get me out of this.

this isn't real it's fake, they can't touch me, nobody is going to hurt me, let me move, let me wake up.

waking up with my body shaking lightly i feel so exhausted, i can't even keep my eyes open.

i can't believe it happened again i thought it was just the old house. i didn't see anything the first night we stayed here.

as exhausted as i am i force myself to get up and get out of bed. i grab my phone and drag my body from my room to my dads.

knocking on his door i wait for him to say something.

i knock a couple more times before i hear him ask who is it.

i open the door and peak my head through.

"dad, can i sleep with you i had it again." i said loud enough so he can hear me.

"yeah come here." he said and picked up the blankets on the right side of the bed.

i walk into his room shutting the door behind me and tip toe until i reach his bed.

"come here." he said to me and wrapped me in his arms.

"nothing gonna hurt you i won't let anything happen to you." he said and hugged me.

"go back to sleep, im here, i love you." he said and kissed my forehead.

"i love you too." i said before yawning and closing my eyes going back to sleep.
people were already scared of Serenity, i mean yeah she was only 4 foot 11 but they knew she could fight if she wanted to, if not that she was gorgeous looking beyond her, beauty was also a weapon and trust me she could use it with anybody.

"holy shit." i gasped as maddy showed me the video of some girl getting fucked from behind.

"are you sure that's kat." i asked her getting ready to drive out her driveway and towards school.

"i asked her last night and she said it's not, but people are saying it is." she told me and put her phone away.

"then fuck it, if she's saying it's not her then it's not her, and if i hear some bitch try and say some shit to her ima slap her." i told her and started driving to school.

what type of friend would i be if i wasn't standing by her when nobody else believes her, i mean we can tell it's her but for the sake of helping her and making sure she doesn't get bullied i will slap someone if they make fun of her.

"true, we stick with our bitches through everything, just let me know if there's a bitch we gotta fight." maddy said and drank her starbucks i got for her before i picked her up.

"for sure will." i told her and laughed.

we talked almost the whole way to school.

"i need to make an appointment for this place that does body waxing." i told maddy as i started looking for a parking at school. i'm about to buy a parking cause this school sucks with front row parking.

Forever with you | ashtray Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz