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italics is narrated
Bold is messages

nate's preview-

he could tell his dad don't like aaron, he was a fuck up.

he didn't like his mother either. she was weak and a pushover. plus, she didn't take care of herself.

he made a long mental check list of things he liked and disliked about women.

he liked;

tennis skirts,

jean cut-outs but not the kind so short you can see the pockets,

ballet flats,


sandals as long as they were worn with a fresh pedicure,

thigh gaps,

tan lines,

long necks,

slender shoulders,

good posture,

fruity-scented body mist,

full lips,

small noses,

chokers the lacy ones with a flower cut-out,

he hated;


dress shoes,


girls who sat like boys,

girls who talked like boys,

girls who acted like boys,

but there was nothing, nothing on planet earth he hated more then body hair.

that was one of the first things he noticed about maddy she was basically hair less.

he's walk her home from school everyday, it made him feel good to know he was there to protect her.

he knew the world was full of men who wanted to hurt maddy.

men who would hang out of windows from their cars and scream obscenities at her

college guys who wouldn't think twice about drugging her

lonely guys who would spot her at the mall.

men who would rape her, torture her, sell her into sex slavery. he didn't even like to think about it.

he also liked that maddy was a virgin,

that no guy had ever put his penis in her,
(Serenity point of view)
"hey your rue right?" i walked up to rue and some other blond girl. i just got to school and let me tell you it was a long morning.

i only have 20 minutes to get ready so i quickly did my makeup and threw whatever clothes i found that matched on before i got ready to leave for school.

"yeah hey Serenity, this is jules." she introduced me and the blonde girl.

"hey" i said

"hey, i love your lashes." she pointed out.

"thank you." i smiled.

"where you get them done." she asked.

"oh these are my natural lashes i just curled them and put mascara on." i said.

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