Big problem

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(Kudos to nathaneskell for this wonderful idea. This story has reached 3.78k reads and I am greatful for your continued reading of this story. ☣)

"Time for your torture to begin." Izuku muttered as he walked towards the Yagi residence.

Izumi was resting in her room, it was a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these, "heroes" like her, just can't get a rest. She looked out of the window and she saw a figure walking towards her house. The figure wore a hoodie and Izumi thought that he was wearing a gas mask... a gas mask... A GAS MASK! Izumi rushed down stairs and she saw her father in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Dad, there's a person in a gas mask outside, it might me Fritz!" Izumi yelled. Toshinori went over to the living room window and he saw the figure.

"Get your mother and escape through the back door!" Toshinori ordered. Izumi ran upstairs as Toshinori went outside to confront Izuku.

"Hello old man." Izuku said.

"Why are you here?" Toshinori asked.

"Well, I came here so your torture could begin." Izuku responded as a Warp gate opened behind him and a Nomu walked out.

The Nomu was tall and thin and wisps of green hair hung from it's head, it's face was a facsimile of Izuku.

"I-Izuku?" Toshinori asked as he transformed into All Might.

"Are you proud of me father? Are you going to notice me now that I am strong?" The Nomu asked All Might.

"O-of course I am proud of you Izuku. Fritz, what did you do to my son?!" All Might asked.

"He said that he always wanted a quirk, so we took him in and gave him multiple quirks. During that time he told us of your crimes." Izuku explained with a grin beneath his gas mask.


"You consider yourself a hero don't you, you consider that snot goblin and her mischief heroes don't you?" The Nomu began to pummel All Might with a multitude of punches and All Might just kept trying to block or dodge the Nomu's punches. This was kept on going until the Nomu finally punched All Might in the face.

"Izuku, this isn't you! Stop this and come home!" All Might begged.

"You don't know who I am, you never looked at me or fed me or helped me when I was hurt!" The Nomu yelled as it punched All Might again.

"Fine, Izuku, I am so sorry but I can't let you hurt anyone." All Might said as he punched the Nomu in the gut. Izuku walked past the Nomu and All Might and he entered the house.

"Hey, Izumi, I wish to speak with you." Izuku called out but he got no response. He continued to walk through the house until he reached the stairs. He then made his way up the stairs and to a room which faced the back garden. When he saw Inko and Izumi outside he punched the window and jumped through it. "Hello there." Izuku said as he landed.

"Fritz!" Izumi yelled.

"Now, now, don't do anything without thinking, I just want to talk." Izuku said. He then sidestepped Izumi's punch as she flew past him at a high speed. "Why." Izumi stopped and turned to look at Izuku.

"W-what do you mean w-why?" Izumi asked.

"Why did you fail to be a sister, why did you crush Izuku's dreams, why did you abuse him, why did you violate two human rights? Izuku is in front of the house fighting Toshinori right now because of your sins, how do you feel that your brother willingly became a Nomu because of your actions?" Izuku asked. Izumi didn't respond as she was in a state of shock and Inko looked at her.

Izuku The Biohazard VillainWhere stories live. Discover now