The Hosu incident

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(We got 2k reads on this story. Thank you all for reading and I hope that you all have a good life. ☣)

"Tomura, what are we gonna be doing because I know you have a plan." Izuku asked Tomura as he walked out of his lab. Tomura's face was now moisturised as Izuku had tied him to a chair and applied moisturiser for the majority of a day.

"Well, the students of UA will be doing their internships with pros soon and we are going to spoil their fun. We also have a guest who will arrive soon." Tomura explained as someone knocked on the door. Kurogiri opened the door and a man entered.

"Who is this guy?" Izuku asked.

"You really haven't heard of me, on the news or anything else?" The man questioned.

"You think I look at the news. Half the time I am making quirk stimulants and the other half I am high from making quirk stimulants." Izuku said.

"Oh, well I'm Stain." Stain said.

"Hello edgelord I'm Fritz." Izuku replied.

"Now can we get down to business? Stain, we want you to join our party." Tomura said.

"Now why would I do that?" Stain asked.

"We have the same goal, we both want to take down the hero society, so we should do it together." Tomura replied.

"I want to purge the world of fake heroes, you just want blood." Stain said.

"Heroes aren't that pure." Izuku said. "They are put of pillars that inflate their ego to planetary size. When I went to see the sports festival..."

"Before you burned everything." Tomura spoke.

"The "hero" Mt Lady expected me to give her my food, I bought it and I was hungry so I told her to fuck off." Izuku continued.

"If he's in it for the bloodshed, why are you here?" Stain asked.

"You know, just had to live through atleast four human rights violations. Eventually I just gave up when All Might told me I couldn't be a hero and he turned out to be my dad." This caught both the hero killer and Tomura by surprise.

"Are you sure?" Stain asked.

"I can fucking tell. Now Tomura, before Stain reads me like a book, can you propose the operation." Izuku said.

"Well, we intend to attack Hosu City to be able to distract the heroes." Tomura said.

"Distract them from what?" Stain asked.

"Fritz will infiltrate Might tower and destroy it." Tomura explained.

"We are targeting Might tower for my personal vendetta against dear old dad and we have managed to locate multiple bases of a Non-government organisation around the tower. We don't know what they are doing exactly but we do know that they are connected to multiple kidnappings and are near Might tower to have protection." Izuku explained.

"Alright, I'm in. Imagine a villain doing a hero's job." Stain smirked.

"You won't have to imagine for long. We will do it in three days." Tomura smiled, which was alot less creepy because he spent half a day with moisturisers and lip balms being blasted onto his face, and he shook Stain's hand, he made sure to keep his pinky raised.

"So... do you want a toaster?" Izuku asked. Stained just stared at him with a deadpan expression. "It's just, a while back I made alot of toasters and I tried to sell them... but they are selling really slowly and they just take up space." Izuku explained.

"I don't need a toaster right now." Stain said.

"Oh." Izuku replied.

{Three days later}

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