Sinners get rewarded

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Izuku had made several advancements in the quirk stimulants during during ten months. The entrance exam to UA was approaching and Izuku wanted to stop his tormentors from achieving their dream.

"Are you sure about this?" Kurogiri asked.

"I am very sure. I just need you to open a Warp gate above the examination area and I will drop a capsule with quirk stimulants in it, once it hits the ground the gaseous stimulants mixed with trigger will cause everyone who breathes it in to spontaneously start creating toasters." Izuku explained.

"Are there any risks?" Kurogiri asked which annoyed Izuku.

"Unless someone flies up to the Warp gate and climbs through we will be fine, the biggest risk for them is someone becoming a toaster." Izuku said. "Now open the Warp gate." A swirl of purple smoke appeared on the floor and Izuku dropped a canister of quirk stimulants into it.

{At the examination area}

Izumi was doing well, she had managed to destroy enough robots that she hoped would let her get in to UA. Then she heard yells and screams and when she ran to see what was happening she saw some kind of orange gas and people who were inside of it were practically drowning in what looked like toasters.

"Help, I can't control it!" An examinee yelled at Izumi as they were buried in toasters. Izumi rushed towards the examinee and as soon as she took in a breath toasters started appearing around her as she managed to dig up the examinee from the pile of toasters. Izumi grabbed the examinee and she ran out of the gas but toasters still kept appearing around them. Suddenly the ground Began to shake and a towering robot appeared. The examinee began to panic as Izumi began to use her quirk to make nearby toasters float.

"What are we going to do?" The examinee asked.

"Be quiet." Izumi ordered as she began to launch toasters at the zero pointers until the toasters punched holes in the robot which caused it to collapse.

{Later at the LoV headquarters}

"That went worse than expected." Izuku said.

"Well, not everything goes right the first time." Kurogiri replied.

"I think I know what I want to do next. Hey Tomura, can I have some of your blood?" Izuku asked Tomura who was playing a video game.

"What the fuck?" Tomura asked.

"Well I was thinking that I could use your quirk and make students at UA kill themselves." Izuku explained.

"That is a good idea but no, it will hurt." Tomura replied.

"If you don't then I will fill your room with squirrels." Izuku threatened.

"Fine." Tomura caved as he didn't want squirrels in his room.


"Do we have any plans coming up that I should help with?" Izuku asked.

"We need to steal a timetable so we can tell what they will do next, do you have any quirks that can help with that?" Tomura replied.

"No but I can probably mix something up. Maybe I could use a mind control quirk, add a touch of trigger and then mix in the squirrel summoning quirk then you can use the squirrels to take the timetable from UA." Izuku started muttering about possible quirk combinations.

(Hello there, Szarekh here. I will sometimes put messages on chapters and currently I want your ideas on quirks Izuku might have procured in his thirteen months of working? ☣)

Izuku The Biohazard Villainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें