Finding friends

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It has been three months since Izuku had ran away and his "family" did everything they could to shift the blame on some kind of villain attack or kidnapping, meanwhile Izuku had managed to procure more chemistry equipment and he had set up in an abandoned building. Izuku would trade with villains inside of the abandoned building he lived in, he offered them quirk stimulants for some of their blood and after the trade was done he would use the blood to make more quirk stimulants.

"Alright, what do you want?" Izuku asked the man before him.

"I want something that can give me an edge in combat." The man responded in a gruff voice.

"Well I have telekinesis, blade summoning and electrokinesis but it can only effect electricity in the brain which would give you full control over someone, heck you could even erase their memories." Izuku laid out his offers.

"Does blade summoning just make a knife or can you control knives?"

"You can make knives but you cannot control them."

"Can you mix two of these into one quirk, like knife control?"

"You really want to stab with style don't you? I am experimenting on this so maybe you could try it, just give me a minute." Izuku walked away with two of the vials and he returned five minutes later with one vial. "If you don't die when you use this then please return here so I will know it works. Now stay still I just need some of your blood, what is your quirk?"

"Uh, I can mind control one person as long as I get physical contact."

"Interesting, that is a good quirk, now don't squirm or you might damage your nervous system." Izuku said as he extracted the man's blood.

"That looks like alot of blood."

"Well you get a special two in one shot so I will take twice as much blood to make it fair, that is just how bartering works." Then the man left the building.

{At the Yagi residence}

Izumi was in the living room of her home with Inko and Toshinori as the news came on the television.

"We are getting reports of Villains who are using a new kind of drug to enable the use of multiple quirks." The reporter said as a video of a villain mind controlling someone before using the quirk stimulant to begin controlling knives that appeared out of nowhere. "Police reports state that each of the vials that this new drug is contained in has the name Fritz Haber engraved on the side, this is believed to be the name of the villain who made this drug. Now onto our next segment we have a Florida man's wife who tried to kill her husband with a ceramic squirrel-" Toshinori turned off the television.

"Do you think that Izuku got that drug from this Fritz Haber?" Izumi asked.

"Probably. How could he do it himself, he would need chemistry equipment and other things that he couldn't get because we..." Inko began to tear up as she said this.

"Whoever this Fritz person is, I will find him and I will beat him myself!" Toshinori exclaimed.

{Back to the broccoli}

"Haha, it worked, hell yes! Do you feel anything like any side effects?" Izuku asked the man.

"I have gotten a headache." The man replied.

"That was one of the side effects of one of the quirks, I guess that means that the quirks may merge and they will bring along down sides. You may leave now." The man left and a minute later a man with blue hair entered.

"Are you Fritz Haber?" The blue haired man said.

"Why yes sir, I am." Izuku replied.

"Well I'm Tomura and I came here because my sensei wants to talk to you about your little project and I want to see if I can level up." Tomura said.

"If we're using video game terminology then these would be more temporary potion effects as opposed to an ability on a skill tree." Izuku replied.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Follow me." Tomura said as a purple fog appeared and he walked through, Izuku then followed Tomura though the fog and he ended up in a bar.

"Hello Tomura, I see that you have brought Fritz." A voice emanated from a television.

"Yes sensei." Tomura replied.

"Fritz, I have learned of your drug and I believe that we can have a beneficial partnership." The voice said.

"What are the conditions and what do I get out of it?" Izuku asked.

"You get a lab to make your drug and everything you need but you will join the league and you will have to join the rest of the league in missions." The voice responded.

"What do you mean by league and if these are all the members then this isn't really a league, is it?" Izuku asked.

"You are correct, this isn't much of a league but our numbers will grow and when I say league that is because we are called the league of villains." The voice replied.

"Well I think this is a good idea so it's a deal." Izuku said.

"Well you can start working as soon as you can get whatever you need back here." The voice sounded cheerful as Izuku walked towards another portal made from purple fog.

{Wherever Izumi is with her friends who have committed a human rights violation}

"I am just worried for Izuku, like how did he even get that drug and what if this Fritz Haber guy was the one who kidnapped Izuku?" Izumi asked her friends.

"Wherever he is atleast he is not here, being annoying like the rat that he is." Katsuki said.

"Katsuki, you can't just say that, what if Izuku has died or something?" This was said by Shoto's twin sister Shoka.

"Five seconds and you hurt her feelings." Shoto said as tears formed in Izumi's eyes.

"Wherever he is, I hope he is safe." Izumi says.

{At the LoV hideout in Izuku's laboratory}

"Fire in the hole!" Izuku yelled as he shot a fireball from his hand which turned into a large rock as soon as it hit a wall then the rock turned into a toaster after five seconds.

"What the fuck are you doing it's two in the fucking morning." Tomura said as he entered the lab.

"Good morning, do you want some toast." Izuku said with a cheery smile.

"What the fuck, how did you get a toaster. Kurogiri do we have a toaster?" Then a man made of smoke entered the lab.

"We don't have a toaster." Kurogiri replied.

"Then how the fuck did Fritz get a toaster?"

"Wait... why does he have a toaster?"


"Someone had a quirk that made things into toasters, also you can call me Izuku."

"You know what, fuck it, I'm going back to sleep." Tomura walked out of the lab.

"I'll just be taking this..." Kurogiri said as he took the toaster and left the lab.

"Hehe, this is the most fun I have had in years, why not." Izuku started cackling maniacally as he started to flood the laboratory with toasters. "Toasters for the toast God!" Izuku yelled.

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