chapter twenty-four

Start from the beginning

[1] new message from [RED ABBOTT]


aye june!! happy eighteenth!!

sorry that i'm kind of late, toby only

texted me a couple hours ago

have a vv cool and great day!!


hi red! ty for the birthday wishes!

the gang and i (will, giulia, toby, 

ranboo, tom, and maybe laney)

are gonna have a small get-together


you're welcome to come if you want!

it's not gonna be super huge we're just

gonna watch films and eat ice cream


ice cream and movies?? count

me in.

anything to escape the house today

(mum and dad are home from

their business trip (ew))

oh gross

yeah we're all shopping right

now but we'll be home in about 40


you can come whenever you want


i gotta get changed and do some errands first,

but i'll be there!!


"Red's coming," I announce, putting my phone back away.

"Oh, sweet. Haven't seen her in a bit," Giulia comments, examining two boxes of brownie mix. She puts one of the boxes back on the shelf and relays the survivor between Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo into the shopping cart.

"You know we just saw Red two days ago?" 

Giulia gives me an unreadable look for a slightly uncomfortable amount of time, then just shrugs at me. Wilbur assesses our shopping cart, then groans at the five of us.

"All of you, come on, we don't need that much food." He tries not to laugh at us. Tommy sticks his tongue out at Will, who hits him lightly around the head.

"Hey!" He protests, grunting. "What'd I do?!"

I click my tongue at him disapprovingly, starting to steer the cart to the self-checkout aisle. "Can't be caught disrespecting your elders, Thomas."

"Christ, June, I'm twenty-four, not eighty-six," Will mutters. Giulia laughs hard at this.

"You should see her with me, oh, Giulia, your knees must hurt 'cause you're so old! You're so slow, it must be because you're old! First of all, June, I have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I'm only a year older than you!" I make a face at her. She makes one back, scrunching up her nose and sticking out her tongue.

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