chapter ten

110 3 8


may 12, 2021

"Alright, guys," I laugh. "You have to be quiet. You too, Giulia," I wag my finger at her. She mimics a zipping gesture across her lips and brushes a strand of caramel-brown hair out of her face.

"Okay, okay," Tom and Tubbo say together.

"Whoa!!!" They laugh at their own synchronization.

"Guys!" I scold, still giggling with them.

"Okay, be respectful, you two," Wilbur reprimands lightly in his older-brother voice

"Yeah, alright, Will," Tom gives in and mutes his microphone.

I take a deep breath and hit record.

It's hard to know how, it's hard to know how I feel today, or any day

You're talking so loud, I guess I'm too used to my own way, stuck in my cave

It's hard to know how, it's hard to tell if I'm talking right, been up all night

Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming

'Bout a normal life again

I gasp for air and throw down my headphones.

"One take, baby, let's go!!!"

"You did great, June, holy hell!" Giulia pumps her arms excitedly. I grin back at her but focus back on the editing software.

"I don't know whether I want this to be acoustic or synth. Synth would be really cool but I have to learn the program," I groan.

"Nah, bossman."

I shriek.

"June, what's wrong?"

"Sorry, you just scared me. Continue?"

"I know the software. I could help you out, if you need," Tubbo offers.

"Yeah, and I play drums, so I can help you with rhythm," Giulia grins, placing a caramel-colored palm on my shoulder.

"Shiittt, I forgot about that! Dude, we've got a whole band here, haven't we? We've got Gules on the drums, Tommy and I on guitar, and Ranboo on bass!"

"Hey, what about me?" Wilbur smiles.

"You're already in a band, dickhead. You don't get to be in two." I roll my eyes and scoff.

Wilbur pretends to pout, crossing his arms and jutting out his lip like a toddler.

"Wilbur, that's fuckin' repulsive, man, stop that," Tommy scrunches up his nose. Will busts out laughing.

"I thought you worshipped Wilbur, Tom. This is character development," Giulia praises sarcastically.

"Uh-" Tommy's jaw drops in shock. Wilbur giggles into his wrist while Tubbo and Ranboo both burst into shrieking laughter.

"Jesus Christ, Gules. Fucking roasted. Destroyed."

Giulia pushes herself around in my second spinny chair. "That's what I do, Junebug."

"God, Gules, why do you call me junebug?"

"'Cause your name is June, dipshit."

"Jesus Christ, Giulia. Lay off the newcomers a little bit," I nudge her with my elbow.

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