Chapter 4- Another Day...

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Aizawa's quirk info:

(Aizawa's quirk is going to be slightly different)

1) He can erase multiple people's quirks at once,

2) can erase if he knows any information about the person (like their voice), not just by looking at the person but he has to know the information really well and still has to keep his eyes open and quirk still deactivates when he blinks,

3) can erase everyone's quirk in a certain range for 10 minutes but it erases his own quirk too for 30 minutes.

Also his hair grows really fast and only when he is asleep (which explains his long hair) and he can win any staring contest :)


Aizawa trudged home, staring into space tiredly.

As he got onto the bus, he heard the familiar whispers of the people around him looking at him with disgust.

What's a hobo like him doing here?

Can he even afford the ticket?

I bet he's quirkless if he's that poor-


Just another day as a yellow caterpillar...

People are so bad at whispering, Sometimes i just want to be a villain just to-


bad Shota

no being a villain, you cant commit murder.

Why? Whats stopping you?

um, the law?

hmm noo... its cause you know they are right~

As the bus began to slow down at the stop, Aizawa activated his quirk, his hair rising and eyes a piercing blood red

"Don't assume things you don't know anything about, it can end badly" he said in a menacing dark voice as he stepped out to the station before seemingly disappearing.

It took a moment before everyone he had heard whispering started to shout in fear, noticing the disappearance of their quirks.


'That was refreshing' Aizawa thinks, keeping his eyes open for the rest of the way back. 

--The Next Day (Saturday)--

Humming, he opens the refrigerator to be met with the delicious aroma of...


just like life

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