Because we had magic we can see the manor clearly and feel the wards that kept this place safe. We all watched for movement as Regulus worked quickly to bring all the wards down through their weak point. Soon others from the order began to join us, all except Dumbledore and a few others including the Weasleys. I didn't blame the family but it was weird that Dum Dum didn't come as well. 'He'll probably come last minute to cast the final kill and take all the credit.'

Sirius rubs the skin between my brows that are pinched together and I focus on him. He seems to also be thinking the same as we greet everyone that joined, and pass out two vials for each member with instructions on how to throw the vial bombs and their possible range.

Lily and Alice gave a speech to get everyone hyped for battle while Remus, Frank, and James went around making sure everyone knew how to cast an effective protego, disarming, and other useful charms they may need. "Try not to kill anyone if you can help it. Disarm and apprehend, knock them out."

Moody steps to the front and looks to our group, "I called for all available Aurors. Anyone apprehended will be apparated back to the ministry cells, otherwise, they will assist in battle." We nod to Moody in thanks. I looked at the group gathered before us, "some of us may die today. Hell, maybe all of us will. But at least we aren't going down without a fight! At least we are fighting to do what's right! Fighting for a safer world for our kids. Our friends and families. The future wizarding generations!"

They all cheered, some still looked hesitant but there wasn't time to reassure everyone. We all feel the magic fizzle out as the wards finally drop and regulus stands up straight. He turns and is surprised to see everyone that joined in to help. "Alright, everyone. Let's move quickly. The Malfoys are aware of the wards being removed and everyone in the manor should be moving quickly to act."

We all run towards the manor, wands in hand, ready. Just as we get closer to the doors they slam open, revealing the dark lord himself. He still looked young, human, with a head full of hair, but had red eyes and looked at us menacingly. Our group comes to a stop, pointing their wands at him or the death eaters that stood behind him while they do the same.

It was hard not to gag on the strong stench of dark magic that poured out of the manor as if it was finally airing out now that the wards were no longer in place. He locks eyes with me after scanning the crowd and his face breaks into a smile. He'd look handsome if it wasn't for the fact of how deranged he looked. Hell, something's wrong with me because he still is handsome despite how he looked compared to the snake-like appearance he'd take later on if we didn't destroy his Horcruxes.

He must have read my mind since his eyes twinkled and twitched, it's almost unnoticeable if you weren't paying attention. "So. You must be the muggle-born I was looking for." He slowly chuckles to himself and takes a few steps toward me. The others except for our group and Moody back away as he comes closer.

Remus and Sirius both growl once he's a few feet away from me and he stops. I hold my hand up, "it's okay boys. This is my fight." Sirius grabs my shoulder and turns me angrily. "The hell it is. We do this together." Tom cackles, "oh how cute. The Muggle whore can't defend herself." Sirius goes to lunge at him but I hold him back. "It's fine Sirius. I got this."

He growls again in displeasure but doesn't say anything else. Tom holds up a hand and the death eaters immediately run around him and crowd our group, Peter is among those who surrounded the marauders, pulling me away and leaving Tom to handle me as the battle starts around us and the death eaters try their hardest to keep the order away.

Sirius and the others call for me as I'm pulled away, but I ignore their calls, giving them a smile that means I'll be fine and focus on their plate in front of them.

Into the Wizarding World (Sirius Black x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें