In Joo

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I'm taken out of her room. As they pull me away from her, it's like a part of my heart is being ripped away. I let out a sob and reach out to her as they roll her away. Her heart fights for life and I can't even be there to hold on to.

She's fought alone all her life. I'm here now. I need to be with her. I need her!

I let out cries and fall to the ground when I'm put into a waiting room. In-kyung comes to wrap strong arms around me as she quietly sobs on my shoulder. In-hye stays still with numb tears running down her cheeks.

My soul aches. My mind twists knowing that she's in pain. When I was in that room, it was like I could feel her extreme pain. I tried everything to relieve her pain but nothing helped.

This day...I might lose a part of myself.

I numbly sit on the ground against a cold wall. I look at the sad scene of this waiting room. In-kyung sits next to In-hye and runs a comforting hand on her back. Cheong-san sits by In-hye and quietly watches her with a tender look. He holds her hand and she numbly looks at the ground. Jongho comes into the room with Shin-jae. They both carry water bottles and small snacks, but no one can eat right now.

Then I see familiar leather shoes walk in. Their tall figure stands in front of me and I have to look up. I'm embarrassed to look up at Mister Lee like this. He has seen the darkest and truest part of who I am. I am not the woman that always has a sweet smile on her face during work.

Before my world started falling apart again, I was able to go into his world. I understood why he didn't want to leave such a beautiful world. He had nature sing for him and his presence was glorious even among the simplest parts of his world. It almost felt like the animals bowed down to him as we took a long walk along his entire estate. He was the king today.

But then I looked at my silenced phone and saw many missing calls from my sisters. I kindly excused myself and I was about to grow angry at them for interrupting my time with Mister Lee. But as always, I've let the parallel world that money has blind me.

I began to run back to his palace. No. I started to run away from his palace. I needed to escape this maze that seemed to choke me at that moment. But he then approached me on his horse and suggested to give me a ride to the front gates of the estate. I didn't argue with him. I let him help me up and put strong arms around me. My heart was too busy reaching for my twin sister to gawk over the warm feeling of his chest against my back.

He helped me off and said that he would give me a ride. I didn't fight with him throughout the whole time until he offered to pay for my sister's surgery.

In-kyung was the first to jump with angry eyes. "We don't need help. Thank you, sir."

If only she knew who he really was. He wasn't any rich man. He may even be more powerful than the Park family ever was. But he still had a gentle expression and said, "I understand. But I do this because I am a friend of Ms. Oh and because I have the ability to help. Please. I hope you don't misinterpret my intentions."

I ignored In-kyung asking me who this man was as I held onto Luna. It was then that she gave out and let go of my hand. Her weak heart made the monitors scream and now I am left empty.

Mister Lee looks down at me for a second before he crouches to see my eyes. Sympathy runs through his dark brown eyes as he says, "Ms. Oh...I'm so sorry for all of this. Please tell me how I can help in any way."

I sniffle and come out of my painful numbness. "There's nothing you can do to relieve my pain. Just like there's nothing you can do to relieve her pain."

"The surgery will help."

I scoff. "Doctors are just as bad as politicians. I don't believe anyone."

Mister Lee is silent for a moment. His sad eyes look for something on my face. But he lets out a sad sigh and decides to sit next to me on the ground. I watch him take out a crossword puzzle from his coat. I can't help but scoff and he looks at me.

"I'm sorry. Did you want to do it?"

"No. How can you be so calm?"

"Because I trust the doctor doing your sister's surgery."

"How?" I almost feel offended by his gentle chuckle.

"Well because he is a good friend of mine. I made sure he did your sister's surgery."

I'm surprised at such news and a spark of hope wants to ignite at the sight of his small smile. But I remind myself that he has these contacts because he has money. He is respected and well treated while my sister barely gets a cup of water. When I was thrown out of my sister's reach, he was praised for giving his money to the poor.

I hug my knees and ignore him again. Mister Lee seems to sense my annoyance and gently says, "Ms. Oh...I am doing this because you are my friend."

"I am not your friend," I firmly say. "I am just the housemaid. I am no one. Stop treating me like I'm special."

He's slightly surprised by my reaction just as I am. I know I shouldn't speak like this to my boss and someone who is older than me, too. But he doesn't show a hint of that firmness I met him with. He's not even angry. He only looks back at his book and says, "If it makes you feel less special then you will come to work at the estate during the day and at night as well to pay for your sister's surgery."

I look at him with wide eyes. "But—"

"They weren't going to do the surgery if they didn't have a determined payment method. So I went ahead and paid for it all. From the ambulance ride to her stay. If I am allowed, I would like to also pay for medication."

I'm perplexed by his words. I don't know what to say. Everyone else also looks up with wide eyes. In-kyung looks at me and tears stir up in her eyes. She can no longer fight at such kindness and In-hye smiles with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"W-why are you doing this?" I softly say. Tears make my eyes watery and I wipe them away so I can clearly see his warm smile. "Why?"

He looks at his book and lets out a soft sigh. "Because I wish someone could have helped me when my parents were dying. I wish I could have been there to help them. I don't want you or your family to go through the same pain I went through when I lost my family..." He begins to stand and looks at the rest of my family. "Please. I understand if you may misinterpret my intentions. But I appreciate Ms. Oh's work just as I do her friendship." He looks at me and does a warm smile. "I hope I can be someone to trust in situations like these. I want to be an ally. Not an enemy."

"Well," Jongho softly says. "Fellow Koreans do have to take care of each other."

Jongho and Mister Lee share a small laugh and the sound of their laughter seems to make the atmosphere lighter. My heart is humble and I begin to get on my knees in front of Mister Lee. But he quickly stops me and pulls me into a hug instead.

I'm surprised just as I was under that tree I first met him. It feels like I'm meeting him for the first time this day. The real Mister Lee.

Because he brought me back to life today, I want to see more of his world. I want to get lost in it. I owe him my life so I'll give him my time if he desires it.

I'll never forget this day. The day I found another world and I was able to save my sisters because of it.

A Day in Another World: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now