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I had a difficult night last night. I had the urge to call Mrs. Jeong like she told me to, but I didn't want to bother. I've handled this on my own just fine.

I've been thinking of going back to South Korea. I've met my sisters and they seem to be happy in their own little world. They have each other. It would be odd for them if I suddenly became a part of their lives. I'd rather not bother anymore than I did.

But then I had a surprise visit today. As I finished my small breakfast, I heard the door open and I looked up to see Cheong-san.

"Shouldn't you be at work, kid?"

He didn't respond as he opened the door wider and in came In-hye. Her sad eyes made my heart melt just like that.

I was silent as she entered with a shy expression. She looked at Cheong-san and he nodded at her. This gave her the strength to sit in front of me at the small dining table.

"Hi," I softly said. I gave her a small smile and this seemed to help her relax a little.

"Hi. I was remembering what you said the day you went to our place."

"What did I say?"

"About your cancer."

I realized why she seemed eager to talk to me. I gave her a small nod. "Yes. I didn't want to tell you guys like that. But I didn't want your sisters to get angry at me anymore."

"They're always like that. Life has made us all stay alert like that. I'm slowly learning to relax a bit."

I did a small smile at her words. "Yes. But it is good to always stay alert, too. You never know what can come up around the corner."

She let my words sink in and then she looked at Cheong-san again. He sat next to her with a cup of coffee for her. She gave him a thankful smile and the feeling of his presence next to her seemed to help her say, "Luna. I understand what you're going through. Do you know you can get help here? You can get treated and maybe you can have more time."

Her care made my heart melt again and couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll be okay."

"You can't give up now. You've come all this way. I know. There's still a chance you can get better."

I playfully narrowed my eyes at her. "Why does it sound like you know this so well?"

My tease didn't seem to get to her and I noticed her eyes steal a glance at Cheong-san. I wondered if she had a secret she still hasn't told the kid. Just as I was going to make up an excuse to make him leave the place, In-hye suddenly said, "I was born with a heart condition. I've already had surgery because of it back in Korea. I'm taking strong medicine for it, too. The hospital was able to give me free care because they saw that my condition is critical. Yours must be critical, too, if you only have six months left."

Cheong-san reflected my surprise as his eyes went wide. He sweetly took In-hye's hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "In-hye," he sadly said. "I'm sorry..."

She looked at her hand in his and then she furrowed her brows. I smiled when I watched her take out her hand from his and said, "Why do you say that? It's not like I'm dying. You better not tell anyone. Especially Mrs. Chu."

To ease the heavy tension, I said to Cheong-san, "If you do, I'll beat you up."

Cheong-san's eyes went wide and he made a gesture of sealing his lips tight. In-hye did a small giggle at my narrowed eyes towards him.

"Luna. You have to at least try. I know our introduction was not the best, but if there's something I've learned back in Seoul is that you can make it through any struggle as long as you have your family with you."

Her words softened my heart and I leaned forward so I could burn my eyes through her. Among her quiet expression, I could see the deep sadness life has put onto her. But I can also see that sparkle of sincerity. "Do you want me to get treated?" I softly said.

She did not hesitate to nod. I couldn't help but let my heart grow wings. It wanted to fly at the first glimpse of care from a sibling. I gave her a reassuring smile and nodded. "Okay. I'll go to the hospital this week."

Her slight worry immediately faded and she looked at Cheong-san. "Let's go. We'll be late for work."

Cheong-san nodded and quietly gave me a bow before opening the front door for In-hye. In-hye gave me one last quiet look at the door. I returned her silence with a small smile. With this, I could feel our hearts starting to reach out for that special connection the three of them have as she sweetly smiled back.

I find myself going to the nearest clinic after that conversation. I don't know why I'm listening to a child. For the first time, I actually do what a kid tells me. But this is a different child. She's my little sister.

I start to wonder of the child they mentioned that died. They probably never met the child since our mother "hid" the child from them.

So much mystery to investigate and so little time. I guess I'm getting treated to find the answers to all my new questions.

I smile at the nurse at the reception and do a walk-in application before getting called in. They take my blood pressure and everything in between. I am left in a pretty room for the doctor. Who would have imagined I see the doctor in such luxury compared to the moldy rooms in Busan?

I straighten my back when the doctor comes in. I give him a nod as he introduces himself. He sits at a small chair across from the bed I'm at and says in English, "So what seems to be the problem?"

"I can explain better in Cantonese or Mandarin," I say with a shy chuckle.

He understands and now says in Cantonese, "Where are you from, Luna?"

"Korea. I moved here just a week ago."

"I see. I haven't met many Koreans here. It's too bad I don't know Korean. Thank you for resorting to Cantonese."

"I understand."

"So what are those papers there?"

He gestures at the folder I brought with me. I asked for a copy of all my medical documents. I found them in one of the pockets of my suitcase. I'm assuming Mrs. Jeong snuck them in there. I smile at the memory of my heart melting when I found them and say, "These are my medical records. The thing is...I have ovarian cancer. I was told that I could do treatment still. I was going to leave it as it is but...I've just found a reason to fight for a little longer."

The doctor looks through my file and surprise runs through his warm expression. "Luna. It's a miracle you're still alive."

I do a small chuckle. "Funny, isn't it? It seems like bad weed never dies."

The doctor does a warm laugh. "I'll send in this information to an oncologist. You will have to do tests at the local hospital so you can get approved for help. Usually, critical conditions like these become a top priority for medical help. I wish you luck."

"Thank you."

For In-hye, I'll accept all the luck in the world.

A Day in Another World: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now