In Hye

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I want to apologize for not sending back letters. I've been so busy preparing myself to study art internationally that I sometimes forget to complete my letters. I read every single one of the ones you send me. You are a loyal friend. I do not deserve such friendship.

I have to give you bad news in this letter. I hope it is the last bad news I will ever give you...

My aunt found out about our letters. This is also why I haven't been able to send back letters. My boyfriend and I have tried all the ways to get back to you, but it is like she has taken over the city of Seoul. You don't know how anxious I am to get out of her clutches. My only excuse to escape is art. Thanks to you.

I'm afraid that this has to be our last letter. I promise I will get back to you someday. Our friendship will not end here because I will think of you every day. I will do everything in my power to give you a hug again.

I'm sorry. I hope you don't cry. If you do, please forget about me. I don't want you to be sad.

I miss you every day, In-hye. But until we meet again, don't ever forget to see the world through art. That has changed my life and I thank you for teaching me that. I am in your debt.

P.S. Say hello to Cheong-san. I hope to meet him someday. I hope he treats you well. I hope he can be the true friend you once needed here.

With love,


I slowly close the letter as I sit at Cheong-san's small dining table. It's the same spot I was in when I found out about Luna. Why is it that my heart finds a painful truth in this precise spot?

I push back tears so I don't have to forget my best friend. But it's impossible not to feel. It's impossible not to cry when someone has ripped a part of your heart and there's no way for you to get it back.

Deep down, I knew this was going to happen. How could I be so clueless? My little naive self thought a forbidden friendship could happen. This is just as bad as long distance relationships. Is this how it feels like to break up with a lover? It's horrible. I don't want to fall in love if it hurts this much.

Love is only meant for brave people...

Cheong-san stirs on the couch and slowly wakes up. He notices my presence and sits up abruptly. He holds his head with a groan before saying, "How did you get in?"

I look up from holding the folded letter and sadly say, "You gave me your spare key to come and see you."

"I did?" I nod. He does a confused blink and says, "Those medications must be strong." He gives me a small smile as his muscles relax. "I'm glad you're here. Thanks for visiting."

I do a small nod and get my things. "I'll get going."

"No no!" I freeze when he reaches out to me. He quickly clears his throat and gently says, "I mean...let me offer you something to eat or drink."

"I'm okay."

Like always, he notices that something's wrong. He searches for the answer on my face and then his eyes find the folded letter in my hand.

"What's that?"

He points at the letter and I sadly look at it. "Nothing." There's nothing left from home...

He's not convinced so he gently takes the letter from me. He begins to read it and his eyes finally show that he understands. He stays quiet for a moment as I let out cold tears. It's so hard not to care. How can she ask me not to cry? Is she that heartless?

A Day in Another World: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now