Xander turned towards others. They were all watching them. But he didn't care. He locked his eyes with Rhysand. "I want to meet my sisters," he told him. He didn't know if he can see them both without crying. He didn't know if he can speak to them without breaking everything he has built so far. But he has to. He has already put that off for a long time. "We can go now," rhs offered. "No, not now. Later in the evening before dinner," Xander told him quickly. Rhys nodded his head.

Xander needed to have some sense of control right now. Because meeting his sisters would send him straight into a spiral. He needed to have control over something. Even if it's his own powers.

Rhys and Xander practiced his demati skills all day through afternoon. Rhys instructed him to lower his shield and put it up. Do it again and again. He gave him a book about history of prythian and told him to read while keeping his shield up. He later instructed him to tell him what information he gathered. When Xander opened his mouth say everything he read, Rhys told him to use his mind. And he did. He whirled the dagger into Rhys's mind and recited everything.

Dressed in a simple black shirt and black pants Xander looked as graceful as usual. He stood on the townhouse roof garden, were enough space for both him and Rhys was available. He stood there rocking on his heels and fidgeting his hands. He was nervous. He was afraid. Most of all he was ashamed.

"Let's go," he told Rhys before his nerves would make him back off. Rhys slid one hand around his waist and other under his knees. Xander bunched Rhys's shirt in his hand as they shot up into the evening sky as fast as shooting star.

Xander looked ahead. Velaris was beautiful in all sense of time. The evening sky cast a golden glow all around the city. There at the middle and largest peak of the red flat topped mountains that flanked Velaris Xander could see holes and windows being carved into the rock. A number of lantern gleamed in the late evening light. Rhys landed on one of the top balconies where two glass doors stood tall.

Xander hesitated as they both neared the doors. He shoved his hands deep into his pocket and held his head high. He can do this. He exhaled heavily and gave a single nod to Rhys. Rhys shoved the doors open and they both stepped into a open large and surprisingly casual dining room. "Nesta is in one of the sitting room," Rhys told him. Xander nodded his head and followed Rhysand. They reached a big double mahogany doors and halted outside. Xander turned his body towards Rhys. "If you feel anything amiss Rhys immediately call Az or do not hesitate to knock me out by any means. I will keep my shields lower in case," he told Rhys. Rhys gave a single nod of his head and opened the door for him.

"I told you, you oversized bat, do not disturb me," Nesta's voice heard as soon as he entered the room. "Hello, Nes," Xander greeted his sister. Nesta turned so fast she lost her footing for a minute. She steadied her self and looked at her brother. Xander was already looking at her. His eyes filled with tears as he took her in. Her golden brown hair glowed in the candle light. Her grey eyes were steel like without any emotion. Her cheek bones sharper than usual. It looked like she is also grown up a couple of inches.

She launched herself into his arms. Xander hugged her tightly and lifted her off the ground. Xander and Nesta just held onto each other without doing anything for a minute. Nesta finally pulled her head back and inspected her brother. She smoothened his disheveled hair from the flight and took him in.

"How are you?" He rasped. Nesta just nodded her head. "You?" She asked him. "I am doing ok," he told her. His voice surprisingly believable. "How is she?" He questioned Nesta. He didn't know how he was going to face her. His sweet sweet Elain. It would surely destroy him. "Not okay," Nesta told him. Tears streamed down his face.

"I have powers Nesta," he told her. Nesta blinked. "And I started training with Rhys," he told her. "I don't want to feel like that Nes. I don't want to feel like that ever again," he admitted. He didn't have to elaborate that. Nesta knew what he was talking about. He didn't want to feel powerless like he felt in Hybren when the king shoved them in the cauldron one by one. Nesta just nodded her head.

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