CG Yb x Littlespace male reader

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Requested by:Bootyyy_Shak3r_9000

(I love littlespace request so much)

Scenario: you live with yb and found a blade


on the couch bored, y/n stared outside watching the rain drops race each other down the window. It was gloomy today, yb wouldn't let him play outside because it is raining too hard. y/n sigh, annoyed until a shine from around the room came into his view.

Sliding off the couch y/n got to his hands and knees and began making his way over to the coffee table. He picked up a blade admiring it. he looked at the reflection of the blade. Curiosity got the better of him, he dragged his finger on the tip of the blade and ended up cutting his finger in the process. he immediately dropped the blade as he let out a light yelp, the blood dripped from his finger and onto the carpet staining it.

The sound of quick footsteps came up behind y/n. Knowing it was yb y/n turned around looking yb in his eyes as his lip wobbled and tears streamed down his face. without asking any questions yb picked up the sobbing 'little' and took him to the bathroom to get his finger fix.

Yb poor some medicine on y/n's finger then wrapped it in a band-aid. Y/n sobs eased to quiet hiccups. "shhh your okay little one" yb held y/n close to his chest, stroking their hair and making circles on their back with his thumb in a soothing manner. "I-Im sowwy" Y/n broke out before continuing. "I won't do it again I pwomise" Yb pulled y/n away for a second and looked into their eyes.

"It's okay darling think of this as a learning experience because next time this happens again you will receive punishments for your actions" Y/n nodded understanding. "I need a verbal answer baby boy" he said softly. "Y-Yes Daddy" Yb pulled them back into a hug before whispering in his ear. "That's my boy"

Yb honestly felt at fault for the fact that he left his blade out in the open in the possession of a 'baby' to get a hold of so Immediately after he attended y/n he put all his weapons in the attic.

"How about we stop by (Favorite place)?" key word '(Favorite place)' was enough to send y/n flying at the door waiting for yb making yb chuckling at his little boy's actions. "Come on daddyyyyyyy" Y/n complained. "Calm down darling let me get your nursery bag and then we will head out immediately"  

Feel free to request littlespace stuff (I LOVE IT)

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