Jealous Yb x Non~Binary Y/n

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Y/n and Yb had walked around the mall for hours. They got food and drinks and clothes and more clothes and checked out the puppies and kitties and got more drinks and everything.

Today was a chill fun day, Yb wouldn't rather spend this day with no one in the universe other then spending it with y/n.
hand in hand, he will treasure these moments.

This was going smoothly when some dude tried hitting on y/n.
Y/n denied them over and over but they were beginning to get a little pushy and pinned y/n to the wall. You knee him where the sun don't shine and ran to yb's side who caught up to you.

Y/n told him what happened and he dropped Y/n's bags and walked up to that guy and dragged him into the men bathroom and came back with a wide grin on his face, y/n smiled in return.

He picked up the bags then y/n. He suggested its time to go and y/n agreed before anything else crazy happens again.

Yb offered to drive and Y/n agreed letting him. When y/n grew tired they began to drift off peacefully. Y/n didn't know if they were seeing things but they could've swore they saw at least thirteen police cars, two fire trucks, and one ambulance.


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