Jealous Yb vs Victim Tk

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Tk finish dinner and put his dishes in the sink. He yawned and stretched his limbs heading to bed...



Tk's eyes shot open.

"What the hell" he grumbled rubbing his eyes, he walk out his room and into the living room. Tk felt the wall for the light switch.
He flicked it on and there stood Yb!

"Oh hell no" Said Tk.

"Hell yeah.." Said Yb
With a knife in one hand.

"W-What the.." Tk back up nervous and confused.

"Aw Tk, you've already knew y/n is mine and forever will dare you do this to us! In the future I will make them officially mine and no one will get in the way of our love!" Yb laughed sadistically.

He walked closed to Tk who slid down the wall onto the floor, YB slams a fist right next to Tk's head and stared him dead in the eyes.

"Usually I don't give others a second thought that try to take away my darling y/n but I'll let you off with a warning.."

"A..w-warning.." Tk said confused.

Quickly and swiftly



Tk couldn't feel half of his right leg, until he spotted it across the floor.

Tears pricked his eyes as gallons after gallons of blood poor's out of his wound. As he began to yell in agony he continued to stare at part of his leg disconnected on the floor.

"You did this to think of this as a warning hm?" Yb aggressively grab ahold of Tk's face with his left hand forcefully turn his head side to side examining him.

"I'll be generous and call an ambulance and your going to tell them exactly what I'm about to tell you if you don't want to die on this floor right here and right now, understand?" Yb towered Tk

"Y-Yeah man whatever" Tk excepted.

"Good~" Yb grabbed Tk's phone dialing 911


Next day


"Oh my god Tk! What happened!" Y/n ran to Tk who was sitting on the bench.

" hurt that's all.."

"Just got hurt? Really?!" Y/n panicked.

Tk could feel Yb's eyes burning the back of his head.

"just leave me alone!" He yelled at Y/n.

Y/n backed off

"...fine" Y/n walked away to Yb's side.

Tk rubbed his face hiccuping.
'Why me..' Was all he could think.

He turn to see Y/n making a flower crown with Yb. They both giggled happily

'At least I'll live another day..' Tk thought.

Make sure to follow comment and like till next time Y/n byeeee!

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